Dream Senarios In Bed

now that i’ve gone back to school and basically stopped wilding except on weekends I sometimes have these weird senarios play out in my head because im trying to fall asleep and not stay concious

usually when trying to stay concious all i can think about is “1 im dreaming, 2 im dreaming, 3…” but when i just let my mind wonder sometimes i just start to make up random senarios

and they’re not just like little things…they’re long…like hwole dreams but im still awake…i duno how to really explain it. They’re like entire dreams that include pictues, sounds, plotlines, and everything else regular dreams have

so i’l be having one of these senarios playing out in my head and i’ll realize it (i suppose if i dont realize it thats when i eventualy fall asleep and the senario becomes a dream)
When i realize it it jsut basically stops…and sometimes im mad cuz i’ll be enjoynig whats going on in the little senario and ill try to make it keep going by thinking of what would happen next, but its not the same and when im jsut doing it withough thinking about it

so questions are
-Does n e one else have these
-How can i use them to LD

We all have that, although not all of us are aware of it. You are right to suppose that if you dont realize it you eventually fall asleep with the scenario as a dream. However if you are good at WILD then you will experience this more and more because you are used to staying mentally awake while your body falls asleep. These scenario’s, most likely HI’s, are pretty fragile so if you wake your brains up a bit again by realizing what you are doing, it often slips away. The trick is to balance this and enter a stable dream, something that requires practise.

For some reason I’ve started getting this almost every night when falling asleep :eek: Although for me it’s not really like dreams it’s more like imagining so it’s not so vivid and I usually fall asleep withing 10-20 sec of getting them. If I get them in the morning it’s almost always about me writing down my dreams. This is because I’m too tired to write them down IRL so I end up getting a FA where I write them down instead :tongue:

Sometimes I’ve become lucid in them but they usually don’t last that long :sad: At times I can control everything in them too since it’s so closely connected with my imagination :cool: Now I just have to figure out a way to not fall asleep when I get these…