Dream Sex? But Not Sex?

Hello everyone,

I had a ND in the early morning hours of 4/11/06. It was very strange. I was doing LD things without being lucid. Here is a summary of the dream:

I was walking with a friend when I saw a large “battlebot” (a large cartoon-like fighting robot) walking in front of us. I decided to turn into a battlebot and fight it. I leapt into the air and flew straight up. As I flew I morphed into a battlebot (metallic blue in color). I zoomed down and landed near the other battlebot, but it had turned into a young boy. I realized that I had powers and that I could “bend” reality. [I’m still not lucid]. I decide to go eat some junk food [I’m currently on a no sugar diet]. I notice a snack bar near by and run to it. There is a family (mother, father, son & daughter) working there. I read the sign behind them, but there is no sugary stuff listed…not even ice cream damit! The father says, “Hey don’t I know you?” I realize that he thinks I am a person he used to know that is now dead. I morph myself into the corps of that person to freak him out. He gets scared and runs away from me. I tell his wife that I’m a ghost. She says, “No you’re not.” and pokes me in the chest to show that I’m solid. I respond, “Yes I am, and I’ll prove it.” [by the way, the wife is an attractive blonde middle aged woman]. I walk toward her with the intention of walking right through her. I get up to her and begin to pass my body through hers. As I reach the half way point, where we are completely merged I am overwhelmed with an extremely powerful surge of sexual energy. I begin to have an orgasm and I am startled awake.

I was in fact at the beginning of orgasm in RL as well.

This started me thinking. I have been trying to have sex (whether I wanted to or not…read my DJ to see what I mean) in many of my LD’s but I keep waking up before I even get close. Now I’m thinking that the actual “real life” act of sex isn’t necessarily what I need to do in an LD. “Merging” with a DC had a much stronger effect then anything I have done before.

Has anyone else had any lucid (or non lucid) sexual experiences, where actual “sexual” contact was not involved??


I had one lucid dream where I was flying vertically upwards very quickly and it became an orgasmic experience. :shy:

when i had my first LD it was real weird, i had an orgasmic moment because of the amount of freedom in the LD

I believe this is is something like (note: like, not exactly) a peak experience (had one myself when I first got lucid)

peak experience: Psychologist Abraham H. Maslow’s term for, “a spurt in which the powers of the person come together in a particularly efficient and intensely enjoyable way, and in which he is more integrated and less split, more open for experience . . . more ego-transcending, more independent of his lower needs.”

edit: more on peak experiences => https://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/p/peak_experiences.html
