I hear a lot about dream signs and how they are very important in the ways of dream recall and reality checks combined. However I have some questions that are hard to put into words. From what I can understand a dream sign is something reoccurring(?) in almost every dream you have. So Os a dreamsign an object or an event, or even a person place or thing? Or can it be any one of these?
I also hear that you should base your reality check off of what your dream signs are. Which if this is the case. And let’s say my dream sign is… A crazy rabid raccoon. Does that mean that I have to try and perform a reality check when I see a raccoon in reality, or am I completely wrong about the whole idea.
The reason Im so curious is I’ve been going through my dream journals and the only thing reoccurring is like. Nothing… Besides I’ll have a zombie dream every once in a while but I don’t know where to find any zombies to perform reality checks on
Dream signs can occur semi-often or in every dream. It really just depends. They can be anything from a crazy rabid raccoon, like you said, or an event (such as a parade/party/etc.), odd behavior, or any number of things. A DS can be pretty much anything.
For you, RC every time you see a zombie movie. Every time you hear the word “zombie”, RC. When you read it, RC. I’ve said “zombie” several times now, so do a reality check now! Eventually you will remember to RC in a dream about zombies, after doing it sufficiently in real life.
Do this for other dream signs as well. Do it even for normal things that might show up in dreams, like telephones or trees or windows. I hope this helps you and sufficiently explains things!
There is a link to “How to find your Dreamsigns” in my signature.
Dreamsigns are anything that may show you that you are dreaming, they are in your EVERY dream. Like MagykKatte said, if you have a reoccurring one RC on everything related to that dreamsign.
Well I can help there. I play far too many zombie games and love the classic zombie movies… no, you won’t find a real one, but anytime you see them on TV/movies/games, try a check then