ok, what section of our brain deals with dreaming? i am really curious. one more quesiton, is; does our subconscious have its own sector in yer brain? or is it just the “underground” of our brain? any1 know?
Lucian, the most important part when we dream is our memory…thats called the hippocampus. When we dream (rem sleep) our memory neurotransimitter gets a 100 times more active then when we are awake.
In rem sleep this neurotransmitter becomes dominant ans so does the hippocampus. However it must be said that many other brain regions alo play an uinque an important role in rem sleep.
Nope, there is no part of the brain that is associated with the subconscious.
We cant pinpoint that, as we also cant pinpoint a self in a certain brain part.
thank you so much Jeff! that cleared up alot of my obsesive thaughts
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