Dream Terrorism???!?!?

I new to all this and have not really had a lucid dream, and I was just reading up about shared dreams. I was wondering if it was possible for people to intrude on other people’s dream, like against their will. Could someone who lucid dreams be able to enter other people’s dreams and mess with them? Would this be like dream terrorism?

Just as a note, I have no intentions of trying this, I am just wondering…

Hi, brizzlequizzle :wave: , welcome to the forum! I suggest you introduce yourself in the “BIG Hi, I’m new here!” topic

Probably the shortest way to answer your question is to say that it depends on your view of reality.

The paranormal view: :universe:
Yes. Due to the fact that humanity is subconsciously communicating through telepathy, it should be possible to attain this level of skill in “psychic” (just one name of many) abilities. However, training yourself to be able to fully share thoughts with someone - if at all possible - would take years.

The sceptic view: :yawn:
No. There is no such thing as telepathy or “mental powers” and it is therefore impossible. The only way for someone to share thought with another is through technology beyond what mankind is currently capable of creating.

No-one can tell you what is true, you must decide what to believe.

good insight Relentless,

I guess my question can be boiled down to, is it possible to intrude in people’s dreams when they don’t want you there.

Well, Relentless’ answer still explained it, you know. It doesn’t matter whether or not the person wants you there or not - if you don’t subscribe to the view that mental powers exist, the answer has to be no. The whole concept hinges on the condition that mental powers are real, which we can’t know for sure (although some people will claim to know, but don’t believe them). So the answer you’re going to get is that: It MAY be possible, but we’ll never know. Unless you want to spend years training yourself on the off-chance you might discover for yourself, that is.

If you do subscribe to the paranormal view, then yes, it is possible :help: . If you believe telepathy is real, it would be easy to “break into” someone’s thought process and plant suggestions. However, according to the same principle, the victim might either have built up unconscious defences or be a practitioner of the paranormal himself/herself. These would then need to be unravelled/circumvented without drawing their attention. A strong connection would also have to be built over a period of time, until it reached the point where you could see through their eyes.

In summary: if these powers do exist, it is not only possible, but plausible.

(This is only the opinion I have attained through extensive research. Note that I still do not take sides: this is only true if you believe it is :tongue: .)

Hah! Dream terrorism. That would be incredibly fun to do to people.

Enter their dream, you are lucid, they are not. Utter chaos, beyond anything ever witnessed in a normal dream.

This is the same as shared dreaming, which you may find interesting.
If you are interested in this, you may want to join the chroniclers.

If it existed Isuppose the assaulted ones mind would be capable of just "throwing " the intruding dreamer out (even if the victim isn’t lucid …) just a thought on my part …
After all , who wants to be controlled in such a fashion … if there are physical reflexes to unwanted intrusion (like vomiting if you have eaten to much or something that isn’t healthy ) the should be something similar and a para-psychical level (always assuming such phenomena exist off course )
Greetings and hello :wave:

Yup :wink: , this is what I meant by “unconscious defences”. However, there would likely be ways to circumvent or trick this mechanism and gain entry. Hopefully said mechanism would adapt to new threats, making it increasingly difficult to muscle your way in. (Again, this is assuming it is real :tongue: .)

Most probably the assaulted person would just get lucid and throw anybody too annoying out :lol: