Dream time?

Does anyone know if it is possible to change dream time in anyway? I’m a total newbie and I can barely have lucid dreams yet but I’m really interested. Has anyone managed to manipulate time in a dream yet? Make it last longer, shorter, stop time?

Well, you can rewind time and stop time anf fast-forwards and all that. But that’s just motion, not true time. Do you mean like making LD’s extend for a long time (eg. a year).

If so, then a number of people have tried and I don’t think anyone has succeeded (though somone may have). I wouldn’t want to anyway - you’d forget alot of it and upon waking you’d have forgotten alot about RL…

Best freind: ‘Hey man.’
You: ‘Who are you again?’

Lol no that wouldn’t be good! No I meant… well i know time in a dream isn’t real time… But could you play with the fake time? I know if you could do slow motion it wouldn’t really be but it would seem like it! That’s what I’d like to try, or be able to have a dream that seems to last years but obviously didn’t really? Can you do that?

You can have slow motion, fast forwards, freeze time or rewind time (either with ti affecting you or not).

As for making it seem like lasting a long time, I have heard a story of a person who managed to do that. However, I don’t know if it’s true or not. This would probably have the same implications as I started above anyways (it may not actually be a long time, but to you it feel like it).

And I may as well mention this before soemone else does: It is possible to do it like a movie. You can skip all the boring parts and show the interessting parts, giving the illusion of a long time… but it just wouldn’t be the same…

Wow if it was like a movie and skipped boring parts then couldn’t it last a lot longer? A film is sometimes 3 hours but it is based on a story lasting a year maybe… Do you think people do that with their dreams? I’m sure I had a dream which lasted months once when I was young…

Well, yeah, it is possible (I do believe Pedro succeeded in doing so).

Another thing you might want to consider is being able to ‘save’ the dream, so that you can continue it on another night.

Wow your from Britain? I stayed there for a while this year, was amazing!

Cool, so if someone did it then is it totally possible? Because it sounds really interesting! You could freeze time around you and move around… could be fun!

You liked Britain? Were you on medication at the time :wink:? Or did you stay in the Summer (Britains nice in the Summer, crap the rest of the time…)?

Anyways, yeah. You can do that. But it might take a bit of practice.

Will take LOADS of practice… I haven’t had a proper lucid dream yet I don’t think…

Yeah it was summer and it was so cool! It’s a great place and people are soooo nice and the culture is really cool. I never imagined Scotland to have such a cool “alternative” culture! Except for being a bit homesick I had an amazing time! I went down to England as well for the day, went to Newcastle! A big centre that had an in-door rollercoaster but it wasn’t working :sad:

Hey Sarah! Yeah I’ve experimented with time in dreams. I’m sure I used to write stuff about it in my old dream diary. Oh I suppose I better start editing that now…