I had a dream last night where I was in my room and then I walked into my parents room down the hall. My mother wasn’t in there but she yelled at me to go back to bed from her bed. So I did. Then I heard her get up and go into the family room area. So I got up and ran into my parents room. And next thing I knew my mom ran in my room and tackled the air in my room. I realized I was dreaming and ran into my room put my hand into the shape of a pistol and my hand acted like a gun. And I shot my mother over and over again with my hand. Then I stopped looked at her and she was all shriveled up. Then I kept looking between my hand and my mother.
Then I felt a tear form on my cheek. It was crystal like. The after that the drean ended and I flashed to another dream I couldn’t remeber. And if it helps my room was glowing red. But I didn’t notice this until I awoke.
Please translate my dream, give it a dream anaylisis.