dreamfrustration :p


The last three weeks I’ve been able to remember at least one dream per night…I now regret not writing them down…

The thing is, I haven’t had a lucid dream since like early summer or something, and I just CAN’T turn lucid, despite the fact that I remember my dreams!!

Any tips?

What I say to myself before I go to bed is: “I’m going to dream now, I’m in a dream, I’m aware of my dream. I’m going to remember my dream.”

What else can be improved?


BTW, has anyone ever experienced a weird transition from being awake, and into this weird state (possibly a pre-dream state?)? The other day I woke up at like 8:00 am, and then “fell back to sleep”. I had my eyes focused at this weird spot, and suddenly (my eyes were closed) I felt this swirly feeling, lots of weak colours appearing, and my ears feeling as though they were popping. I felt some sort of pressure to my stomach, and my arm felt sleepy, and I remember trying to look at it with one eye, and couldn’t see it. Then suddenly I “opened” my eye “AGAIN” and suddenly saw my arm waving. Did I perhaps enter a lucid state and just lost focus? As I felt this transition I felt as though I wanted to wake up, but wanted to continue as I was very determined to reach some sort of lucidity. The longer I kept my eyes closed, the longer “in” I got.

I’ve never felt this before, and I guess it could classify as an OOBE…? Can anyone help me on this one as well?


Hello Astral,

Sometimes when you try too hard, you get a lucid drought. That’s the most common thing I could think of, but I had a bad lucid drought for almost one year (only to be broken recently) and it wasn’t because I tried too hard at all. It was just because I got too busy with my life. Everything was happening so fast.

So that could be either.

And when you’re doing MILD (repeating “I’m dreaming” to yourself), make sure you really MEAN it. Not just saying it automatically and zombie-like. It doesn’t work as well as when you really mean it. Try it and see if it works. If not… you could always try other techniques like RC’s, WILD, etc. :happy: A bit of variety would help breaking the drought. At least it does to me sometiemes.

Also I have indeed experienced the transition from being awake into this “weird state” which I believe is a form of trance. Anyways, you could use that to enter a dream. :happy: It’s called a WILD technique (Wake-Induced Lucid Dream). Next time, try to STAY in it and let it go by. :happy: HOpefully, the next thing you know is that you’re dreaming consciously. :happy:

There’s BIG WILD topic discussions if you want to learn more about it. :smile:

And I do know how it’s frustrating to be able to remember dreams, but can’t become lucid. Believe me, I know!

Good luck though. :biggrin:

Hey, Astral.

I use mostly MILD, and additionally to telling myself that i will dream and will remember my dream, etc, i try to think a bit about my most frequent dream signs, and tell to myself that if i see something related to them, or see anything weird in my dream i will know that i’m dreaming.

Before falling to sleep i remind myself also to squeeze my nose after i wake up to avoid FA. It’s my favourite RC and it worked first time last night :grin:
So if i remember it after waking up during night, i will do RC no matter how tired i am.

If you wake up between your dreams, try to remember your last dream as detail as possible. Try to remember any dream signs and focus on them, or on the dream overally. Think about getting lucid if you happen to see similar dream again. It also can improve the chance of continuing the same dream, but this time you will be more aware that this can be dream.

Maybe i focus on too much things, dunno. Maybe focusing on only 1 thing, or dream sign will increase the chance of seeing LD more? You might also try out hand-method: when going to sleep remind yourself looking at your hands in your dreams, and that if you see your hands in your dream, you will realize that you are dreaming. It works pretty well sometimes for some people


When I try to WILD 3 different things can happen to me depending on what I focus on.

  1. I start feeling SP (quite rare)
  2. I start seeing something, colors or images
  3. I get a popping sound in my ears (most common)

I think you where in a dream, you just didn’t realise it. I’ve had a very similar think happening to me, I got SP and then I tried moving my arm while looking at it. I could see an arm moving slowly and it didn’t look that clear. Since I had SP it couldn’t have been IRL that I moved my arm :content:

And if you get any of these thing and them fall asleep, you could still get lucid because a failed WILD seems to work as MILD too :grin: