
I noticed that people who tell their dreams to each other (for instance, by writing their DJ on a forum) influence each other a lot.

Very interesting story though. I’m waiting for the following episode. :content:

"1) Sleep is a “protected programme”:

On average, man spends a third of his life asleep. Each night we
participate in some mysterious process, of which we can only recall
fragments with great difficulty. Many people assert that they do not
generally “dream”. This is a fallacy. Science explains that each of
us experiences 5-6 dream-sleeps per night. The problem lies in

This odd forgetfulness in respect of sleep can be explained in
different ways. Psychologists say that survival is the primal
instinct of man. Since this function, in essence, is achieved in
the “waking” state, human consciousness abstracts and removes this
secondary role of sleep, and frequently it does not fix or “record”
the memories of events we experience in dreams. The severe conditions
of life itself are so draining, that sleep becomes a prohibitive
luxury for many people. Therefore within a dream they lose their
colourfulness and are subverted into dim reflections of everyday
concerns. Some scientists are convinced that the process of
assimilating sleep is connected with one’s living environment. If you
live in the city, the variety of “realities” distracts you from the
experience of dream-sleep. But there is some value in your succombing
to the lure of the “civilized world”, be it your house, a Tibetan
Lhasa, or the Sonoran desert. Consciousness changes priorities, and,
avoiding boredom, it can bring you to the “internal experience”.

Mystics and occultists adhere to another point of view. For them the
world of dreams is a special space, in which their own laws of
perception are manifest. Special methods for the fixation of one’s
attention are required for the transfer of information from the world
of dream-sleep into the world of “reality”. Otherwise, as Mefodius
Solunskian asserts, a dreamer will repeat the parable of the
emaciated little mouse, that easily slips through a hole in a basket
of grain, but after eating his fill, cannot escape back through the
hole because of his bloated size. “So it is with the one who “reads”
dream-sleep…hungry for knowledge, he will easily traverse the
adjacent gap between sleep and waking “reality”, but the energy he
expends, and the fruits of his labours that he gathers there, will
prevent him from returning with his hard-gotten gains, because one
can only take away what one originally entered with. Therefore it is
necessary either to throw away these gains, in order to return, or to
remain there with them forever.” (extract from “Khazar’s Dictionary”).

Dreamhackers consider that the system of human perception is similar
to a “packing programme”, which depicts perceived information in the
form of specific symbols and figures. This accelerates data
processing. In the state of everyday wakefulness people use one set
of “packing”, whilst using others in the state of sleep. This
difference in the methods of information-processing hampers the
process of recollection. Nevertheless, the problem can be solved,
partially or completely. We know that the fact of compiling a dream-
diary improves recollection of dream-sleep: your attention, which you
focus on your records, increases the priority of the “decoding
programme”, which in turn accelerates fulfilment of this objective.
Dreamers and stalkers (Castaneda terminology) generally change the language of description
for dream-sleep, and separate “realities” like this make it possible
for them to combine two parts of their existence into one-into
sleep, or into Dreaming Awake.

Difficulties in the transfer of information are just the tip of the
iceberg. We, as users of the “programme” of sleep, are almost
completely deprived of any elements of control. People can enter into
sleep and be bounced (an analogy of “start” and “log out”).
Everything else depends on the “sleep programme”. In the everyday
waking state, we usually wake up in the same place where we fell
asleep. Having relative confidence and trust in the subject of the
everyday chronological sequentiality of our “waking” state, our
attention clearly records daily events, creating from them a
continuous sequential library of action and movement. You can easily
describe how and why these events are assembled from point A to point
B, although every rule has its exception of course. Alcohol,
narcotics, or the consequences of illness and disease are capable of
ripping up the continuum of the “waking state”. A brick that falls on
your head can easily disrupt the fixation of your attention.
Nevertheless, in this waking state we usually possess a certain
control over the situation, albeit sometimes partial, but
still “concrete”.

Sleep converts us into marionettes, entering into a dream scene that
we do not know, in whatever place it may be. The collection of
subjects and characters is tied to us by our will. The programme
transfers us from one scene to another in a completely illogical
fashion. We appear first in the role of spectator, then in the role
of participant in the event(s). Sleep monitors us, making it
necessary to be subordinated to its commands and rules. Although here
there are exceptions. On rare occasions, some people can “order” the
subject of a dream-sleep.Others can introduce insignificant elements
of control into their dreams. However, any prolonged efforts
to “tame” dream-sleep cause “retaliatory attacks”. This is one
additional criterion of the “protection” of the dream’s programme.

Each researcher of dream-sleep will, after a time,
encounter “guardians”.
These “keepers”, "defenders ", “monstrosities”, can frighten dreamers
who begin to study the special features of dream spaces. I have
personally known children who, after encountering “guardians” did not
sleep for 3-4 days. The fear experienced by them led to nervous
disorders and even in one case to a serious disease.

Psychologists assert that “guardians” are the personnification of our
problems, the output of our unconscious. Mystics and occultists
indicate that these “keepers” and “monstrosities” are astral essences
or forces, which can take on the form of terrible and dangerous
monsters in-Dreaming. It is interesting to note that in our time
the “output of the unconscious” is considered as the
more “scientific”, but not the “contact with the astral essence”. So
much so that if you describe the “security” of the dream programme
using “personnifications” and the “human unconscious”, they will
award you any scientific degree you want. But if you address the
question of these “astral essences”, they will label you as a
charlatan, or as a victim of the predilections of the antique.
Concerning this question, Dreamhackers have their own point of view,
as I will describe later.

The sleep programme possesses one additional level of “protection”.
At this specific level of study, a dreamer falls under the influence
of the “forces of fate”. His life becomes confusion. He risks his
health and prosperity, and of those who are close to him. This “karma
racketeering” can be perceived as a “test of maturity” or as
an “obstacle which hardens the spirit”. Honestly speaking, this turn
of events was a completely unexpected contingency to us. We sustained
large losses. [What does this mean?] But let us become acquainted
with some other conclusions of the dreamhackers."


Hi Basilus West,

yes I’ve noticed the same in dreaming groups when sharing dreams. But I have noticed that we have similar dreams, and have not been influenced by the others dream (i.e. new dream topic, and neither had read the others dream report because they had the dream the same night). This seems to happen quite often, especially with some members.

Yes it is a very interesting read. I do not agree (or disagree) with everything, but keep my mind open to possibilities. I bear it in mind, and see what I discover on my own explorations.

This last installment is pretty long! So maybe I won’t post another until tomorrow :wink: A lot of information to absorb.


You sure know how to cut and paste. But why not put the whole thing in one post? :roll:

Ivi, you’re bad again

"2) Sleep: the “bubble”.

The “physical” space of a separately-undertaken dream is limited.
Actually, this is a definite polygon, which in certain cases is
reduced to a commonplace pyramid, with the effect of “flat vision”:
when, for example, you find yourself located on one apex, and
the “dream scene”, the “sleep picture”, is projected onto the plane
formed by the other apexes. However, in lucid dream-sleep the
programming is so fixed that the space is described by a very complex
structure-an almost perfect sphere. Nevertheless, if you reach
boundaries, space begins to change or to be distorted, and the
dreamer (in the majority of the cases) passes into another
into another scene of dream-sleep.

Let us assume that I have a dream in which I am Rambo, fleeing from
the enemy. Before me appears a low forest, through which must be the
swamp, and then our base camp. I hear the snapping of branches behind
me. A “shadow” slides first to my right,
then to my left, but the lighting does not change. I go another 10 metres, and the terrain suddenly
begins to slope upwards. The forest on this steep slope becomes
almost impervious. The path disappears under the roots of an enormous
tree. The slope of the mountain forces me to turn and go back twenty
metres. I turn around and approach a bookshelf, and pull out a book
with the name “Physics of the eighth ricochet”.

This is a normal dream-sleep, where I survive the closure of
the “bubble” of the dream. As you can see, there was a complex set of
elements: sonic and light formulation, subject, my thoughts and
expectations. Then, when I reached the boundary of the dream-space,
the terrain was transformed, after which I transferred into
another “bubble”, with the room, the window and the bookshelf.

As Dreamhackers, we loved the term “bubble”. We used it right up to
recent times when friends reminded us that this determination of
the “bubble of perception” was devised by Carlos Castaneda. He used
it in another context, and we seemingly introduced confusion into the
already-accepted terminology. We thought it necessary to change this
designation. Now we use two separate terms: the “bubble of sleep” and
the “sphere of perception”. On a personal note, I prefer the former
of the two, because the space of a perceived dream-sleep is rarely

I beg your pardon?

That is a serious typo there o_o… But still it’s interesting

"3) The programme of dream-sleep has many blemishes, “bugs” and

Once I sat in Irkutsk airport and was thinking about sudden changes
in the landscape in the bubbles of dreams. And there in the airport,
it hit me! Yes, it was the same the problem of polygonal texturing!
In the three-dimensional graphic for creating virtual worlds two
methods are used: voxelic and polygonal. They are distinguished by
the method of construction of the graphic. In a voxel graphic, the
basic construction unit of a “voxel” is used. (Voxel=Volume of pixel)
A volumetric point, or to be more precise, usually a coloured cube.
Units are constructed from voxels as if they were cuboid pieces of
Lego. The weakness of this method shows in the scale of the object.
With an increase in size (by moving closer to the object depicted)
the constituents become a mass of squares.

Using a polygonal graphic as a basis leads to a polygonal
polygon in space. In order to create an artificial world, an enormous
quantity of polygons is required. Let us assume we have to build
several houses in a virtual space. In the graphics editor we sketch a
picture with the texture, and “stretch” it to the flat quadrangular
polygons. We stick coloured “wall-paper” on their white walls. As a
result, a fraction of a virtual world is obtained.

But all this is theory, and in practice, texture is stored in the
memory of a video card. With the formation of an image of each point
of the screen there is a selected colour, which corresponds to
a “texel”-the fixed byte of texture in the memory. In computer
graphics there are several methods of texturing. However, in dreams
this process frequently gives distortions, inherent in linear
sampling, which is the quickest, but also the most primitive method.
This makes it possible to draw a parallel: the strange transformation
of landscape in dreams could be explained not by the special quality
of sleep, but by certain omissions of “programmers”.

One additional omission of dreams is visible in the illumination of
polygons (or the bubbles of sleep). At its simplest, we frequently
perceive in a “flat” visual manner, where the polygon has only one
degree of brightness, or an analogue of the Gouraud System of
Shading, with which the apexes of polygons are shown up. In such
cases we usually see a darkened centre and vividly illuminated
angles. The presyncopal (decreases in blood pressure in the brain)
states of consciousness are an example of this second type.

Furthermore, in dreams there are rather poor conditions
of “smoothing” (by anti-aliasing). If you try to draw a circle on the
earth while you are Dreaming, then you will understand what I mean.
And the greater the diameter of circle, the greater you will realise
this omission of the “programmers”. It seems to me that don Juan knew
about this special feature of dreams. For this very reason he forced
Castaneda to draw circles around his house.

As soon as I published these findings on certain different Internet
forums, dedicated to the techniques of Dreaming, several
corroborating posts appeared."


"“Hello Sergei!” wrote the eminent russian astronomer
Andrei. “Recently in my dreams I flew above the city. I was struck by
the sight of a blue sky with snowy clouds. As far as colours and
nuances were concerned, everything was OK. But the image? You know,
it was just like a voxel graphic! Large rectangular pixels, bricks,
as if I were focussing on the picture with a powerful zoom lens. I
had read your letter and remembered about what you said about this.
Then everything was fine-tuned, the clouds adopted a “normal” mode.
But at first, there was actual voxel drawing!”

“Hi, SI. I noticed a certain anomaly in a dream-sleep. It was tied in
to the light switch. I could turn off the light, but couldn’t be
included in it.” [NB Don’t understand what is meant here]

“Yoyo! I detected something amusing…” wrote a pal. “It is
interesting, why is it like this? In the film “The Matrix” this
defect would be called a “failure in the system”. To explain: I was
transported to a house, where I looked for a specific person. Not
thinking for long, I decided to peep in the windows. The house had
lots of levels. On the street it was late evening. I rose to the
level of the second floor and began to inspect the illuminated
windows. In the first I noticed the design of the wallpaper, the bed,
the shutters on the door, and a cat. I rushed to the next window, and
there was the same: wallpaper, bed, shutters, cat… Is that it? A
shortage of subjects?”

Here is a letter from a remarkable dreamer: “In one of my “aware”
dreams I set myself the goal to reach the edge of the bubble. The
following effect appeared as I approached the edge: the
surrounding “reality” semi-morphed into a labyrinth. It was most
important for me here was not to give in, and not to change
direction. Like, more convenient paths appear, but if you go on them,
you will begin to meander and will not have time to reach your
objective. Nearer towards the end the terrain had a tendency to slope
upwards, and having risen upward a little myself, at long last I saw
the horizon. Immediately ,the effect of insufficient texturing “swam”
out, the effect about which Sergei Izrigi has written. In the place
where the earth “connected” with the sky, the “developers of the
programme” had made rather poor resolution, and there was an effect,
the same as in a computer game: from a distance everything is normal,
but up close appear pixels on a giant screen. After breaking through
the “cloth” (bubble), I saw a stream of black liquid. After diving
there, I floated with the flow. I had the thought that
somewhere/somehow it would carry me out. My sight was turned off
immediately-there remained only the sensation of touch, if you
call it such. After two minutes of this “free floating”, I felt
a “feeler” touching my foot. I stretched out towards it, and groped a
creature, like one of those which told Doc (a Dreamhacker) to stand
aside. It burnt me with its feelers a few times, and I decided to
wake myself up from any further “sin”…”

Later, when the dreamhackers mastered group-dreaming, they revealed
new “bugs” in the sleep programme:"

Continued later…

With regards that last post, my opinion (Aelfrede) is that any true researcher will want to hear about peoples’ experiences BEFORE reading this info, because they know that the power of suggestion is HUGE. IMO there’s no point telling someone all this info and then they dream about a scene looking like computer graphics up close after hearing it, and then be amazed that they also have experienced the same thing. We have to rule out the suggestion factor. As dream researchers, we want to know whether people have this sort of thing BEFORE hearing this information.


"a) When you enter into a “controlled” dream (for example in order to
absorb another man into the joint dream), then, put simply, you’ll be
surprised at the roughness and scant nature of the formation of
the “bubble”. Usually the sleeper is absorbed by some
particular part. His attention is fixed on the sense of subject, the
sensations and the means. From
his “viewpoint”, the visitor sees only situation, and it is
necessary to say that this is complete hack work. The sleeper can
be bathing in gold and be in a wonderful fairytale palace, but this
illusion does not act on the visitor. It testifies that the formation
of the “bubble” is poor, the subject primitive, and conversations a
real absurdity. It has similarities, but the “sleep programme”
is not formulated for joint dreaming.

b) If a group of five or more men is assembled in a group-dream,
there appears what we have termed a “satellite”: a definite
personnified force, whose purpose is, to date, incomprehensible. It accompanies the
group, sometimes warns about danger, but in essence, just observes.
Doc called this phenomenon a “virtual rascal”. This “satellite”
appears in the form of a girl, a small animal (a dog, or cat) or as a
bird. Possibly, this is some failure in the “programme”, a type of
echo from the joint emanations of our consciousness."

To be continued…

About pixelization: I noticed too this bad pixelization in some LD’s. IMO, two possibilities: 1) too much video games :razz: ; 2) a bug in the “reality” program (not the sleep program only). The reality program is the same than the dream program, it makes us save time when we look at things IRL: we don’t have to recreate a whole reality every millisecond. I’ve to point out that first and second possibilities are related indeed: too much video game will make video textures to be stored in the “reality” program.
As you said, suggestion is another possibility, it comes in the third place in my eyes.

About pixelization: I noticed too this bad pixelization in some >LD’s. IMO, two possibilities: 1) too much video games :razz:

Basilus West, yes LOL hadn’t considered that one - definately could be an influence

a bug in the “reality” program (not the sleep program only). >The reality program is the same than the dream program, it >makes us save time when we look at things IRL: we don’t >have to recreate a whole reality every millisecond.

hmmm that’s an interesting one

I’ve to point out that first and second possibilities are related >indeed: too much video game will make video textures to be >stored in the “reality” program.

yes, there could very well be a connection with that, good point

As you said, suggestion is another possibility, it comes in the >third place in my eyes.

could you explain that again? comes in third place in your eyes??


So, each night we experience five to six dream-sleeps, each one
consisting of one or more scenarios (the so-called “bubbles of
dreams”). If one considers that on average we pass through
20 “bubbles” in every night’s sleep, then we will experience 7300 of
these per annum. Daily, a novice dreamer can recall two to three
scenarios. Long practice helps to bring this number to
twelve “bubbles”. Here are the initial conditions for our study.

But how can we study the phenomenon of dream-sleeps? First of all, we
can collect subjects, themes. Or we can try to describe the
atmosphere of the scene, and put it into a more complex
categorisation. Or we can detach ourselves from thought and
supposition, trying to leave aside ‘known’ interpretations, and thus
approach the universal “cosmic language”. All of this is worthy of
research. But, being dreamhackers, my friends took another route.
They decided to focus their attention on the “dream space”, the
actual layout of the scenario.

Let us hypothesise that you have a dream in which you meet a friend
on some unknown street. You have a conversation about the “Tibetan
sharks” [Who are they?] and their connection with the Buddhistic
Sutra of “Final Enlightenment”. Next, four raiders appear, who
proceed to rob an adjacent jewellery store. Terrible scenes of
shooting occur, but you nonchalantly continue your conversation. The
nose of your friend increases in size continually and this confuses
you a little. You look to the side, noticing a beautiful monument and
a flabby old lady on a bench. Then you look up at the low yellow
cloud, and you are in a new scene. A strange rustling noise behind
you frightens you. You are taken in, and find yourself back in your
old school classroom. Several iron cots are arranged instead of the
desks in the room. A rat sits on one of them. It holds a pencil in
its claws, and is sharpening the pencil with its teeth. You remember
that the Biology office was located here before. Something is not
right in this room. It becomes uncomfortable. You rapidly go out into
the corridor and find yourself in the hall of a large store. Crowds
of people pass by, mocking you with their stares. Suddenly you
realise that you are standing in your underwear. The surge of complex
feelings and emotions forces you to wake up.

Here we have three “bubbles”: “street”, “class” and “store”. Each of
the bubbles has its limited space. Let’s try to describe them in more
detail. In the first scene you memorised the street and the landmarks
located in it: the bank, the monument, the bench, and so forth. In
the second “bubble”, the space is limited by the walls of the
classroom. In the third, by the boundaries of the hall of the
store. “Bubbles” are connected by transition points, or so-
called “transits”. It should be noted that the association of these
three spaces described by us does not create one common continuum.
These “bubbles” can be located far away from each other
in “dreamland”. Transits accomplish an instantaneous transfer of our
attention from one scene of sleep into another. Expert dreamers use
them as transportation means. But it is far too early to talk about

Continued later…

"Here we examine the method of the “crack” in the dream programme:

Transportation between the “bubbles” is possible only through
these “transits”, but this is not simply the way of smallest
resistance for our dreaming attention. This is the result of tuning
our emanations. For example, you see some object/subject (let us
assume you perceived it as an enema!) and by association (i.e.,
sorting out not only different concepts, but also the emanations of
consciousness, connecting with the “data” of one’s preconceptions)
you come to the more extensive gloss of “hospital”. Your intention is
not clearly expressed, but it is still there. And you translate from
the sphere “house” into the sphere “hospital”. You consider the
possibility that the “enema” is the transit. But in the following
dream another object/subject serves as a transit. Thus, transit can
be achieved during this associative “tuning” which usually occurs
unconsciously. However, in many spheres of perception there are so-
called “space transits”. This type of transit connects a specific
place on dream map with another concrete place. Such interconnections
can be called stable. And there is a third type of “transit” which
transfers you unpredictably into a new place. In this case the
entrance point is compulsorily located in the zone of conversions and
transmutations (archetypal zones on the dreaming map).

The everyday waking reality is the gathering of similar “bubbles”
(units of perception). Apartments, houses, natural obstacles, and so
forth. Think about this. We are transferred into remote places with
the aid of technical equipment (trains, cars, aircrafts, rockets),
which personnify in themselves the idea of “stable” and “space”
transits. But if in the everyday waking reality this form of transits
was preserved, then, you can be confident that there are two
remaining . [Huh?] Another matter is how to use them. This question
is solved by concentration, tuning one’s intention.Intent.

The process of describing a terrain seen in dream-sleep is named
the “mapping of dreams”. I, as you, learnt about this method in a
relatively finished form; therefore I can foresee almost all your
questions. Nevertheless you had better ask them yourself"

Continued later…

Have I mentioned that I love this kind of dream analysis and theory?

Haha Alex, yep me too and there’s lots more to come to keep you satisfied/intrigued :wink:


"First of all I will describe the common methods of the dreamhacker
experiments. A first act was the creation of a method which would
satisfy all requirements and “rules”, described by Castaneda. We
seriously and diligently analysed different possibilities, and
stopped at the “mapping of dreams”. First, this is the “not-doing” of
usual dreams (in the “doing” we retell the subject or we attempt to
interpret some parts of dream-sleep in our dream diaries). In the
second place, the “mapping of dreams” is the recapitulation of dream-
sleep, the awakening of the dream memory, which means the same
regulated shift of the assemblage point as with the recapitulation
of “memorable events”. Thirdly, this “polishing” of the Tonal, an
amalgamation or the guidance of order in the chaotic mass of dream-
sleep changes the certainly-dense sphere of the first attention into
some type of “virtual” medium. With prolonged dream-mapping this
sphere takes on mass and density and begins to snowball, to
assimilate energies and information of the Nagual. Something like a
type of artificial “black hole”. Using a computer analogy, we called
it a “worm” in the programme of dreaming.

So perhaps we can think of dreams as being analogous to computer text
files. Acting within periods of dream-sleep, man usually operates
with words, text, concepts, but cannot control the dream programme.
We created the “subprogramme” which acted autonomously from the
general routine of dreams and, most importantly, also influenced it.
Specifically because of this, my friends decided to call
themselves “dreamhackers”.

Fourthly, mapping-an entertaining practice. We especially created
it a “play” context, and a “quest” context, wherein the dreamer
searches for something specific, tries to solve problems encountered,
passes through the established levels and, after all of this, begins
to survive the dream scenarios he has realised.

Specifically, the “quest” nature of dream-mapping brings an aura of
elitism to a dreamer of long-standing practice. Otherwise only very
relaxed people or “fans” would attempt it. But “fans” have their
necessary leader-their Guru. We Dreamhackers despise all “Grand
Masters”, since, at present, they all, as one, contain the mercantile
spirit of the swindler. A Guru-knowledge for money, for the
of mind, body, and spirit. We were searching for personal freedom,
and we found this relation manifesting itself. And since not one of
us wanted to be the pupil of a “great Teacher”, we decided to
stop “quest mapping”."


no, I seriously love these stuff. I read about it yesterday for the first time and my life, and today that made me have an excellent and spontaneous LD full bloom… Counting 9 in Aug till now after a one year dryspell…