
"It is interesting to note that the first years of practice brought us
several interesting discoveries. First, we understood that each
person in dream-mapping constructed one and the same universal or
archetypal matrix. There were some individual differences, but the
basis for all dream maps was basically the same-some imprint of
everyday reality, an imprint described by this mapping. We isolated
the basic archetypal elements of landscape-fringe areas, gigantic
constructions, labyrinths, the “zone of transmutations” (conversions
of landscape), transport lines, the “zone of cataclysms”, the desert,

Secondly, we detected the places where, after visiting, a dreamer
survived the enormous inflow of energy and the intensification of
different abilities. One of the consequences of such “successful
entries” is the explosion of the “dream memory”. Man survives a
unique and ecstatic state, when, in a moment both finite and
infinite, he recalls hundreds and thousands of previous dream-sleeps;
the moment when he instantly and accurately knows when and in which
lifetime he experienced these dream-sleeps; and when it becomes
knowledge that has a definite integrity. Words are not adequate to
describe this properly, but if and when you test it on yourself, then
you will be able to sit down, and draw an entire map of your dreams
and it will be absorbed by you. It will remain and live inside you,
in your consciousness. This is understandable. Over a long time we
visited almost all the points of the “map”. But at the moment of this
explosion of the dream memory all these parts will be collected into
a one-piece picture. Specifically, after this is when we found the
onset of what we termed “controlled dreams”.
Thirdly, we found that the dream-programme is well-protected. By-and-
large, people are disenfranchised users of dream-sleep. And we found
our “system administrators”. At first the dreamhackers classified
these by their three already-existing categories, specifically
the “flyers”, “inorganic beings”, and “guardians”. But then our
further studies led us to another conclusion: all these “spirits of
sleep” appear as the personnifications of histones of DNA-Tonal. (I
will describe this in more detail later). Moreover, now we know
that “passageways into the other side” (i.e., natural outputs from
the Tonal into the Nagual, in the verbally-descriptive and physically-
mapping aspects), and places where we previously thought that man
restores his luminosity, are in reality the histones of DNA-Tonal.

Fourthly, we detected anomalies in the orientation of “dream spaces”.
The same anomalies were noted in ancient Chinese cartography. This
pushed us (slightly) to new studies and searches of certain ancient
books and manuscripts. The results were staggering. The same group
research led to the fact that one of our dreamers discovered a method
of reading “dream books”. Reading texts in dreams is difficult.
However, dreamhackers solved this problem. And again something
phenomenal happened. We obtained access to that layer of information
which is usually called The Chronicles of Akashi. Actually, this
is access to any data, written down in the “information layers” of
the planet."


by “The Chronicles of Akashi” I assume he means what in english is generally called the Akashic Records?

Yes I’m sure it means that

The first result of this breach became the almost “magic” model of
stalking-a model based on the patience of Medici.[Don’t get
it out]. This model worked with the chains of everyday events. It
solved the problems we had at the time, and altered the flow of
events in the necessary direction, and helped us to carry out
the “revision of life” [recapitulation?] (recapitulation as explained in Castaneda books - Aelfrede) in a much more captivating
and altogether happier manner, rather than making us sit on a box,
rocking backwards and forwards holding our heads in our hands.

The study of passageways from one dream-sleep to another was the
following stage of our studies. We discovered the ‘texture’ of
transits-the elements that correspond to similar passageways. And
turned out that “transits” exist both there and in the daily world.
But what is interesting is that this similarity of daily and dream
worlds led to one more discovery-to the discovery of the basic
reality that includes these two worlds. And thus was born the model
of DNA-Tonal (Tonal as described in Castaneda books - Aelfrede). At a given moment we not only developed it, but we also
began to test it in different areas of our activity. The prospects
were staggering.

To be continued…

LOL! I surely made a big mistranslation. :content: I meant that the two first possibilities were more important in my opinion.

I’m very surprised by two points up to now. It seems that they don’t really talk about lucid dreams, or Dreaming. They just talk about normal dreams. Then they constantly refer to Castaneda, but there is very few relations between their theory and Castaneda’s indeed.

"Let us have a talk about the the archetypal elements which appear
during “dream mapping”. First of all, some of these form the
boundaries of the map. In dreams, we see them as mountains, rivers,
seas or as expansive deserts. Dreamhackers do not know what is
located beyond these limits. Even in lucid dreams, after asking
yourself this question, you do not obtain an answer. In the so-called “controlled dream” it is
possible to move apart [?? Stretch? Push apart?] these unknown
northern and eastern boundaries, but the west and the south are
If, in the single bubble of a dream, the familiar orientation of the
cardinal points remains , then, during the composition of the dream
map we note another orientation-all is just as in the “real”
but the south switches places with the north. This fact astonished
the dreamhackers. They conducted a search for this phenomenon in
literature and found that in certain ancient Chinese geographical
texts [Which ones?] the same phenomenon can be found. Ancient Chinese
maps had a mirror-image orientation along the Y-axis.[Ancient
polarity reversal?]

In the same ancient books we found the description of territories
beyond the northern boundary. This territory was considered the realm
of giants-the realm through which it was necessary to pass in
to reach the “source of immortality”. Reading these texts we
understood that the ancient Chinese dealt with the mapping of dreams
in a serious fashion. It is probable to say that dreamhackers are
only repeating the steps of these ancient chinese pioneers.
Unfortunately, information about these ancient dreamers is very
scarce and vague.

The following archetypal elements are gigantic constructions. One of
them is “the Tower”, which reaches to the sky (Tower of Babel?) It is
frequently associated in dreams with sport, or with the military, or
with some sort of transport terminal. Another gigantic construction
is “the Temple”, built in the form of a horseshoe. Its wings splay
out from a central construction, and they descend in five steps,
forming the horseshoe. This is a dangerous place for dreamers.

I have already mentioned “the City”. In its eastern part is located a
very interesting “industrial area”. Next time I will describe other
zones of the map, including “labyrinths”.

To be continued…"

"Another archetypal element on the dream map is the labyrinth. Here is
an extract of a letter from “Doc”:

"I don’t remember whether I told you about a method of healing which
can be realised through “controllable” dreams. It is such a
fascinating and frightening area, that some might compare to the
delirium of a lunatic! But the essence is this: the self is an energy
unit that can be split into parts. One or more of these “parts”
wanders into a so-called “labyrinth”. Labyrinths can be above ground
(i.e. in buildings or consisting of walled surroundings) or
underground. Those above ground are somehow connected to our everyday
problems, and those underground with health, energy levels, and so
Whilst investigating the underground labyrinths, I carried out
complete cures on two people, who were deemed “incurable” by
medicine. In a controlled dream I helped them to get out of a
labyrinth, and it resulted in instant healing! One woman was
rejuvenated. She was 28 years old, but she felt like a 15 year old
again. The second person was a seven-year girl suffering from
congenital blindness. And if I pulled out the first woman without
much effort, with the second it was necessary to go much deeper.
Inorganic life lives in such places. Actually, “labyrinths” are a way
of dialogue with us, and in my opinion, the inorganic forces do not
realise that such traps and energy loops deprive us of our life
forces and our health.

With labyrinths be very cautious. For this type of research you will
need some experience in “dream control”. Losing dreaming attention,
becoming disoriented in a labyrinth, you will become just a
possible victim for some ruthless beings, and in “everyday reality”
you may contract an incurable disease. Nevertheless, if you can’t
stand the heat, don’t go into the kitchen… Estimate the risk on your
abilities. My curiosity has cost me a very heavy o
contact with certain beings, which, together with a heap of problems
in my life, brought a lot of inexplicable semi-miraculous moments.
And even better, I started to avoid “it.”…"

An extract from a Sergei Izrigi letter:

“By and large, there are two types of labyrinth: an archetypal one
(common to all mankind) and a personal one (pertaining to the
individual). In the first category are: a labyrinth of life (LL); a
labyrinth of events (LE) and a labyrinth of obsessions (LO). These
three formations penetrate the tonal. We meet them in dreams just as
we do in real life. Being our individual labyrinths, an archetypal
labyrinth has specific qualities in the material world. For example,
they cannot be represented on a dream map as a concrete place (though
layers of a map are connected to them by a complex interconnection).
In reality, we can only speak about them from a position of
philosophy, of psychology, or from a position of mysticism. But
certainly, each of you has had experience of the rotation of the
Wheel of Destiny, or travel in the “labyrinth of accidents”. To
understand the idea of the LL, re-read “Witch’s Dream” by F.Donner.”


"So, the LL. This construct denotes a sphere penetrated with radial
tunnels which are crossed with each other by millions of passageways.
So, how do sorcerers, shamans and witches work with the LL? There are
various ways. Some move “themselves” (their energy, consciousness and
whatever else) around “dark” passageways to somewhere “light”. Or, to
the opposite-a circle of blackness. Movement in the LL tunnels is
very interesting, and directly depends on “will” coupled with
experience. Walls of tunnels are perceived in a complexity of
living “sight-touch-taste feeling”. There are colours and sounds, and
tactile sensations of juiciness, softness, humidity . and of life
independent of us. Moving in the LL tunnels, the individual
experiences various transformations of his personal force (it can be
a feeling of flight, of soaring, of having flown, all certain altered
conditions of consciousness). But, above all, any movement in an LL
tunnel results in a change in one’s “everyday” living situation. (An
alternative to movement can be a rotation of the definite huge
wheel “itself”.)

Many people frequently get stuck in an impasse. An element of
stagnation enters their lives. Each day is the same, the same “gloomy
everyday life”, little “new” happens, everything is grey and pale.
Our inability to move in an LL tunnel (and so it is 99.999% of the
time) is defined by the complex programme which dreamhackers have not
yet cracked. There are different factors to be taken into account:
a “modality of time”, the influence which is rendered on your life by
your peers, by events, your loss of “power” etc. Why, for example,
are old men so inactive, and why are their lives so “grey”? Because
of illness? No. There are many people, whose illnesses appear
abruptly, and whose lives previously could be described as “wow!”, as
interesting. Put simply, their “fuel supply” ran out. There are no
forces to activate the Wheel of Destiny, or for itself to slip into
another branch. The LL tunnel deceives with a promise: [maybe the
dreamer deceives himself?] it offers you an opportunity to “improve
your life”. It’s a sort of roulette: we twist a wheel, we throw
themselves like a ball, and we skip around on black and red strips of
life. It seems, one more turn, one more attempt, and we shall
achieve “the good life”. But don’t let yourself be tricked. A great
waste of personal energy! In one month of such practice the person
begins to lose interest, and his life becomes even more “grey”.
Although there is sometimes a successful movement, this is followed
by the “lucky beggar” starting to “twitch”, beginning to lose his own

"Yes, my friends, you won’t get out of an LL tunnel… If you compare
the person to a ballbearing, he carries on in this “bearing” until he
is not quite “erased” (his personal force is not spent yet). However,
this “deterioration” can be reduced to a minimum. And if you consider
the basic concepts of the “Warriors’ way” as described by CC(Carlos Castaneda), the
absolute necessity of deletion of personal history, by so-
called “recapitulation”, becomes clear to you.

But it’s not for me to say what is important and what is unimportant.
An LL tunnel includes sectors of people, of flora and fauna, and also
of inorganic beings. The sector of inorganic beings is joined to
ours. Any part of it is accessible to us, and our sector is
accessible to them. The inorganic beings have found a way to prolong
their lives. They became part of the LL construct, and gradually took
it over, expanding the expansion.

Now I shall proceed to the description of the LE-the labyrinth of
events. You will all be familiar with a pinball machine. Your father
has lowered “the starting mechanism”. You, the “ball”, are carried by
the “directing tube " of your mother, and have escaped into the
world, and have travelled through sectors of events: day nursery,
kindergarten, school, army / high school, marriage, work, pension.
Sometimes you collided with obstacles, you went sideways, crossed
sectors of luck and bad luck, but still rushed on in the unknown ways
of destiny. And all this occured in a pinball machine called “LE”.
It’s common to all people. That is, you collide with a heap of
other “balls”. And the most terrible place in the game is a hole in
the ground, a meter or so wide, which we can quantify as “death”. We
can see an LE as a certain cause-effect matrix, with complex rules
and interrelations of events. You know that some combinations of
events fulfil our desires-others can turn life into an infernal
torment. And, certainly, someone would like to be able to control
this “movement by itself”. The power of causality-a precious
but none too pleasant. And some people like CC tried to change it by
their own volition. Dreamhackers have developed a technique for the
conscious substitutions of events which, being included in chains of
events, yield us the results necessary to our aims.”

Errr… It begins to look like Sci-Fi, now… :bored:

As it seems that Dreamhackers don’t really talk about lucid dreaming (when it possibly happens, they call it “so-called controlled dreams”), all this has nothing to do with Castaneda’s Dreaming; and Castaneda’s concepts (inorganic beings, etc.) can’t apply.
So IMO it’s just a mythology they build together, influencing each other, in the same way you begin to have archetypal dreams when you see a jungian analyst, or sexual dreams when you see a freudian analyst…

Yet it’s a funny story, and I’m longing for the continuation. :smile:

Here it is necessary to note that the LE in dreams is considerably
simplified. It too has the unopened riddle of life, above which it
would be advisable to break a head.[?] For example, transits in
dreams are more precise, much more so than in reality. Movements in
space are sharper yet more unpredictable. On the other hand, the
study of transits in “reality” can bring fabulous pleasure because
sometimes you start to feel like a wizard. Working with LEs (in many
respects) is determined by success in such practices as stalking and
the study of Intent. We Dreamhackers
have spoken about it a lot. Anyone who wants to go down this pathway
will find good reference points.

The most disgusting of the three archetypal labyrinths is the
labyrinth of obsessions. “Obsessions” does not only mean feelings of
tenderness towards something or someone. It, by and large, a trap for
our attention. Our “small weaknesses” steal our personal force. All
these “hobbies” weave an impenetrable cocoon of emotional dependences
around us. Add here an attachment to tobacco, to alcohol, drugs,
television, books, computers, internet forums and a heap of
similar “boa constrictors” which entangle our consciousness and steal
our time, our force, and our opportunities. The LO has similarities
to the construction of a harmonic: a mass of holes (small personal
chasms). Air travels through these holes. When you, the “clarinet
pressure pad”, falls on one of them, you start to taste a definite
complexity of sensation, as if you were sounding a note). But instead
of a harmonic, you get obsessed and fall into a hole, and you will
sound the same note all of your life, becoming A-lcoholic, D-rug addict, [E-xcrement?] F-irm man or C-alm
gawk. [G-ross!] SI (B)? No comment.

Shamans and witches have learned to use elements of the LO for their
needs, such as power-plants, rituals, and NLP,
zombing, [and what is that?] “the truth I shall tell, at first only
gilded my hand” etc. [??] The LO gives powerful means for various
manipulations of human consciousness. But, as we know, the way of
magicians differs from the way of a man of knowledge. Also it is
necessary to say that dreamhackers are searching for knowledge, not
power over others.

To be continued…[?]

…and that’s when they went quiet…"

However, I have some more info from somewhere else. More later.

Is the story finished? :sad:

AFAIK, the story was unfinished in the forum from where it’s quoted, and indeed ended in weird sci-fi style (at least for me).

Their web-site is also non existant today.

So i’m really interested what they are up in nowadays, and wait more info input here :smile:

yes that’s pretty much it, although I have some bits and pieces that are related to those posts, some extras that didn’t occur in that “version”.

Will post those next.

Esteemed Regular
Posts: 132
(2/28/03 3:41:24 am)
Reply Re: Krasnij okjabre

nice, finally a crack for the first gate. There is just one minor
it might tell us about the problem, but not about the solution. as it
seems, this whole Dreaming is only for this elitary group of
people with Awareness high enough to see the solution. However, from
childhood (where I had a little more Awareness than now) I remember

  1. the transport-system of “gazing” at dream-objects can get mapped
  2. apart from the visible objects there are also thought-objects (no
  3. actually there are no thoughts only “solid” thought-objects
  4. the upper boundary of dream-bubble leads to reality
  5. which reality depends on the angle at which you cross it
  6. 90° leads to sleeping-body, sinking into ground does too
  7. touching something in mid-flight is a transport too
    most of the time transporting to the same (slightly altered)
  8. there is a difference between walking and flying because of this
    10)each bubble consists of 3 layers, the middle-layer is for joint
    11)swimming can not get beyond layer 1
    12)neither are there any objects from layer 1 continued in layer 2
    13)each layer does have its own ground where landing is possible
    14)by landing however the layer is left and dream-energy is increased
    15)from layer3 mapping of bubble-pos is much more easy (cut-off
    16)layer2 can only be reached in outdoor-environment
    17)when leaving a building to get to the outside doesn’t mean you
    get outdoor
    18)one can clearly feel if a dream is outdoor or not
    19)again, changing dream-bubble in mid-flight will get you to layer1
    20)layer2 will become indoor-bubble most probably
    21)one can’t see anything in layer2 until landing
    22)leaving the bubble in layer3 is possible to the east
    23)there’s an exit to the west, but it’s well-guarded
    24)north is decided while entering layer 3
    25)there is a preview of the bubble you’d get into by landing there
    26)turning west in layer3 most certainly changes the bubble
    27)there exists an exit (small) to the south (unexplored)
    28)in every outdoor-bubble there’s an entrance to indoor-bubble
    29)indoor-bubbles are dull and black’n’white and similar things
    30)just like the entrance to them
    31)sometimes there’s a guardian to layer2, fight him
    32)and you will be freed of his presence for a long time
    33)there’s a luring-force towards indoor-bubbles
    34)which can also be used to find the exit once you’re in one
    35)all dream-characters tend to lead you into indoor-bubbles
    36)you need to ask for it if you wish one of them to lead you out
    37)outdoor-bubbles are always full of arriving people
    38)there are 2 kinds of dream-characters:bots and players
    39)you can steer bots with your will to some degree
    40)bots have an own will, but it’s small
    41)and they can even get squished to the size of their will
    42)players are solid and can not get reduced in size
    43)there are no crowded places, only few players per bubble
    44)the more players the more bots, at least 1 bot per player
    45)players leaving the bubble leave a bot behind
    46)players leaving are consciously replaced by other players
    47)which are located at a slightly different pos (same shape!)
    48)once identified as such bots will leave the bubble soon
    49)communication is only possible with players
    50)bots only perceive your perception/emotions
    51)players can allow you to follow them when changing bubbles
    52)players’ energy prolongs dreams within the same bubble
    53)the palm and forearm are best interface for energy-exchange
    54)touching player does offer additional communication-level
    55)additionally there exists emotional communication between players
    56)leaving layer1 towards layer2 is impossible when it is established
    57)in the same way as objects are transports, players are tied
    58)since emotion-communication is perception too
    59)guardians are communicating through emotions intensively
    60)and have the strongest/loudest voice in that aspect
    61)while other players or bots often can get scared away by strong
    62)guardians can’t and are even attracted by them, feeding on them
    63)guardians are quite immobile and only react to emotions with
    64)players can lead you past a guardian if you ask
    65)not necessarily to the place the guardian is guarding
    66)for players you are doing them a favour by following them
    67)spending too much time near the same player makes you his property
    68)sexual energy decides which player controls dream-flow
    69)most players do have a lot of sexual energy
    70)or are controlled by other players which will attempt to control
    71)while giving you enough sexual energy for being entertaining to
    72)moreso for the guardians who actually enjoy a fight
    73)thereby sexual energy helps overcoming guardians
    74)guardians will attempt to brand-mark you before you get past
    75)which apart from hurting (only once) will help you recognizing
    78)in the future throughout all subsequent dreams (through itching)
    79)and will form an additional interface for energy
    80)and will attract certain players for you to become their property
    81)who’s relationship will also affect presence of guardian
    82)all these players and guardians are shape-shifters
    83)who’s actual shape reflects the emotions you get from them
    84)the mentioned sexual energy is the one you can use for sex
    85)and only affects the player’s dominance-level, nothing else,
    86)while dream-energy is only the total duration of the dream
    87)which can also be used for moving, body-stability dream-clarity
    89)but which is not necessarily used for those by default
    90)and can originate from other sources than sexual energy (unknown)
    91)partly also influenced by the very bubble you’re in currently
    92)another influence of dreams comes from the “reality” beyond layer3
    93)which can be used to get there into a
    94)paralyzed state where only the usual mechanisms can get you into a
    95)dream-bubble but nowhere else since all movement is blocked
    96)this paralyzed state (SP) is not inside of the physical body
    97)movement is possible if trained, but all training
    98)is void one week later
    99)and finally: SP feels very similar to layer2

please confirm these or report where they don’t match!
especially interesting is the relation between layer2 and
group-dreaming, I even suspect that from layer2 you can
drag people from SP into a dream. also 98) seems to confirm
the existence of Castaneda’s Flyers, so some might be interested
in disproving it (thereby proving that they aren’t affected
by any Flyers). the only difficulty (especially in those 2
points) is to avoid switching into a regular dream-bubble,
so you’d better double-check if anything changed. especially
the attempting to move in SP will most certainly lead into a
dream-bubble representation of “reality” because of the very
fixation on the thought-object of “moving”, then you’d need to
get back into SP and check if you actually moved. but also
layer2 can be quite tricky, as even though no objects are
visible it will probably be more likely to get into a
dream-bubble representing the other dreamer, than actually
sharing a dream. if you have any questions just ask!
if you know any english-speaking group of dream-hackers,
please tell me. also an english website with above articles
would be interesting, if someone has a link or webspace…

krasnij okjabre
Unregistered User"



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Reg: 11/23/02
Posts: 1002

Re: A PRESENT FOR THE "DREAMERS’ [re: Abramelin]
05/30/03 06:48 PM Edit Reply Quote

Idstalker-I understand your impatience, but this is a massive
amount of questions/information for Sergei/Iveta to translate.
Please could you wait until they have finished their story? I think
it is important that their flow is not interrupted.

Esteemed Regular
Posts: 22
(2/28/03 11:50:14 pm)
Reply Re: Idstalker

First of all, I must say that dreamhackers are not a elitary of
group of people with high awareness. Most likely they are located in
the position of reason (about it spoke by don Juan) - from this
position was visible the position of silent knowledge. Let me to
answer some questions, although the style of their setting is
sufficiently difficult for me.

  1. the transport-system of “gazing” at dream-objects can get mapped
  2. apart from the visible objects there are also thought-objects (no
  3. actually there are no thoughts only “solid” thought-objects

I cannot comment this block of assertions. Dreamhackers did not
investigate the thought-objects. We have several technician of
contemplation, but they are not connected with “gazing” at

  1. the upper boundary of dream-bubble leads to reality

Most likely collision with upper boundary of dream-bubble leads to a
shock of consternation and to the subsequent output into the
reality. But this occurs only in the usual sleeps. In the controlled
dreams is observed the phenomenon spoked by Henaro: “I do penetrate
the first sky… BOOM!.. I do penetrate the second sky…
boom…” and so

  1. which reality depends on the angle at which you cross it
    6)90° leads to sleeping-body, sinking into ground does too

For this block there are no commentaries.

  1. touching something in mid-flight is a transport too

In the usual dreams it is possible to walk, to fly and to float, to
be moved through the transits. In the lucid dreams it is possible to
be moved along the threads of world (for example, you indicate by
finger on the mount, to let the thread of light out from the finger
and “to be attracted” to other its end. These two forms of movements
in general occur in one and the same bubble.

most of the time transporting to the same (slightly altered) bubble

In the controlled dreams you moved up to the large distances and
into different regions of the dreamland through the space transits
founded by you. For example, in your house you arrive through the
cornice of the window in airport; through the door of the kitchen -
into your working office; through the mirror in the bath-room - into
the urban library, etc.

Here we have differences in description two our systems.
Dreamhackers do not use the concept of layers, although I understand
that you means in it. The method of mapping intentionally was
simplified to the betta-version. We never considered mapping of
dreams as purpose, and therefore we related to it disdainfully - as
just to the convenient means. Therefore do not await from me
detailed descriptions. Our purposes were more abstract.

Tonal actually proved to be island - the relatively small space
icluding all glosses for describing the world. Wherever lived man -
in Africa, Antarctica, Germany or Sonora - the map of his dreams
have the same basic archetipical features. Here is two gloss of the
contemporary person:
The house, where you conducted childhood, will be the center of map.
Sometimes this house will include the elements of other houses, in
which you sometimes lived. This house will be it is located in the
city, which will include the elements of all cities, in which you
sometimes were. City on the map of dreams one. When in the sleep
you, for example, go in the machine from New York to Trenton, you
simply will leave a one part of the city and arrive into its another
part. Thus, when you fly from Paris to Quebec, you do not exceed the
limits of City. This powerful gloss including all cities known to

But let us return to your questions. Dreamhackers found two passages
“to other side”. First, this is bridge in the southeastern part of
the map. After it does begin narrow passage in the mountain bank
and… the membrane swunging and flapsing by wind. Everything
precisely in don Juan’s manner. In this place always blows the “wind
of force”. The second passage is located on the north of map. Way to
it lies through the terrain, populated by giants. It is amazing, but
this locality is very well described in the ancient Chinese books."


As I tell, dreamhackers reject the idea of guardians. Guardians
(monsters) are the personifications of our biological mechanisms.
For us the unitary reality, which includes the worlds of sleeps and
reality, is described by the 64- bit code, where role “1” and “0”
play the histones, which are switched and are transferred us to the
new cycles into the program of consciousness. Let us assume you look
into the window. Before you familiar sight. Then you licked the LSD.
A sight in the your window is begun to change. What did occur?
Chemistry of body changed, occurred switching some histones, and
this assembled a new world for you. Thus, the concepts of guardians
and security are substituted by more volumetric idea DNA -tonal.

Again are observed the differences between two systems of
description. Dreamhackers not investigate these aspects of your

  1. and can originate from other sources than sexual energy (unknown)

Already I indicated that if dreamer falls into the specific places
in the dreamland, he (she) partially restores its luminosity.
Unfortunately, it is rapidly absorbed by the activity of daily life.
What such is “luminosity”? This can be understood, when you dreamed
and meet the person, who aware yourselves in the dream. Impression
is created, that this person shines from within. In the comparison
with it the characters of usual dreams seem dim and gray. These
characters of dreams be name as sprites or dekals (probably,
incorrect translation). I mean the terms for the moving elements of
computer games. Temporary luminosity gives to man chance for the
intentional displacements of assemblage of point.

To me it is very it’s a pity, that I could not answer a most your
questions. Possibly, subsequently I and you draw together our
systems of the descriptions (to enter into one type of coding), and
then we will better understand each other. Dreamhackers actually can
enter into the stranger’s sleeps, wear out people into their sleeps,
be encountered by group in one dream place. This is not complicated.
But this skill implicates the large problem of social nature, about
which I will describe following time. Specifically, because of this
problem you will hardly find the acting forums of dreamhackers. They
are usually very secret and they act, a maximum, month or two, and
then are shut. I know only one site of dreamhackers and two forums.
In the Russian language it contains the materials of five-year
remoteness. On this site there are maps of the dream world comprised
by different people. Year ago the group of enthusiasts worked at the
creation of computer program for conducting of the dream diary and
map of dreams. Unfortunately, to me it is not known how ended this
undertaking. Its essence consisted of the following - man wrote his
sleep into the electronic diary, assigned sphere for this sleep and
placed him on the map of dreams. There were many possibilities for
the designation of transits, zones of transformations, cataclysms
and other elements of the dream world"


06/02/03 06:42 PM Edit Reply Quote


Well, now that Abramelin has let the cat out of the bag I feel
inclined to make a few comments. The material is available at SA (Sustained Action/Sustained Reaction) in
the “Dreaming’ and Lucid Dreaming” forum on page 2 in two threads -
“dreamhackers” (which you might want to read first) and " Few
extracts" (which glosses over some of the Dreamhackers activities).

I believe one of Dreamhacker’s projects this year is to set up an
english version of the site (probably in Canada) and I hope they
succeed because much of the research which they are making public is
quite fascinating.

Iveta has used a machine translator and has done a very good job of
cleaning up the quirky output of the program. I sometimes use her
postings as a guide when the translators fail to recognize words and
concepts. Still, she sometimes accepts the tranlators definition of a
word which she doesn’t know the meaning of: hence we get words
like “enema”. ?

As you may have guessed, the word “sleeps” refers to a cycle of
falling into a deep sleep > to REM > to a mild awakening, which
repeats itself five to nine times every night.
Sometimes the translator misinterpets the word sleep into sleeps, or
dreams into sleeps.

I think the word “the” is implied in the russian language, so
whenever you see it in Iveta’s post it was probably put in there by
the translation program. Sometimes substituting the words “a” or “an”
or throwing away the “the” makes for easier reading.

The translator also loves to thow in the word “of”. dream map becomes
map of dreams, mickey mouse becomes mickey of mouse. It sometimes
sticks an of onto the end of a sentence of.

Object/subject is usually object. Peace/world is usually “the world”.

Although I live in an area which has a substantial russian
population, I have yet to find anyone interested enough in the
subject matter to translate the site for free (and unlike Izrigi, I
gots No money).

Sergey Izrigi is the groups founder, financier, and principal source
of information and projects. He spent some time in a monastary, a
week with a buddist monk, and seems to have a substantial practical
knowledge of dreaming.
About two thirds of the original Dreamhackers were fans of Castaneda
so much of their terminology is from the books. CC has a serious
following in russia which makes me think that may be why he published
his last book there a year before it was made available in the US.

Izrigi calls himself a wild and crazy hacker and other russian
castaneda sites would agree that he and his group are certainly “out
The research is based on just about anything they could find on
dreaming throughout the entire world and all time periods. They are
not afraid to use Aleister Crowley as a reference, hook research onto
the hexagrams of the I-ching, or use the four color scheme of Tarot
One of the Dreamhackers, Dok, seems to have an extensive knowledge of
the inorganics labyrinths and reportedly has cured several persons
from various illnesses by rescueing their energy bodies from the
Spame is a librarian who has learned to read manuscripts in his
dreams - and has discovered and is now retrieving books from a yet to
be discovered medieval library.

Besides the Dreamhackers main site there are at least two other sites
related to them: one for open discussion (serious and not at all like
some of the nonsense around here - [talks of the forum where this post came from]) and one where some of their
discoveries are locked in secret. I have found tributes to a fallen
comrad who hacked into a part of dreaming which tracks us through our
dreams. I, myself, know of and have used such a system as a map, and
only now am recovering after years of energetic damage.
Dreaming is not all la la land.

After their initial compilation of research, and being unsatisfied
with the method of “finding your hands” to achieve dream awareness,
Dreamhackers attempted to find and then teach other methods to gain
access to various dream states.
They seem to have settled on a state they call OS which is not quite
lucid dreaming but is more useful.
Once they were able to achieve OS they tried to map the “terrain” of
dreaming and found that all of their individual maps were remarkably
the same!
The next step was to play a number of structured “games” in order to
do a more detailed exploration of the dreamworld.

Now they are showing others what they have discovered.
This has not always gone well. As remote vieweres have discovered,
there are individuals and groups who would take this information and
use it for unsavory purposes against others.

But with caution, the rewards of controlled dreaming may be worth the


Do you know what OS means for? If their dreams are not lucid, I really wonder what “reality” and “usefulness” they can found in their description. Such a description based upon fantasms is as useful as H. P. Lovecraft’s short stories, IMO…

Hi Basilus West,

this is something I have to find out my self and will ask on a russian forum I’m on that is related to Dreamhacker materials. Reason I’ve not been in a rush to find out, is because I’ve been directly involved in some DH related projects (from someone who has connections with them and more in depth materials on discoveries and techniques) and I know that whatever they call their dreaming, it certainly is lucid. Through their research they have had an explosion of dreaming awareness, so I’ve been told. So, for instance, when “Doc” talks about going in labyrinths to help people, he is fully aware he is dreaming.

Some of the projects of theirs (DH) that I’ve been drawn to have triggered lucidity in me straight away on hearing about it, like researching transits in dreams. There’s one idea to stay aware through a transit. So you get lucid, and at the point the dream changes you need to keep awareness through the transit to another dream. I’ve managed this once, where everything went black, and then I kept focusing on keeping my dreaming awareness. And then I was travelling in some sort of tunnel, there were others there with me. I inspected the walls, contemplated where I’d end up. Then I “plopped” out into a new dream scene (which I could see just before arriving). I sort of tipped out into it. I remember the travelling sensation was very dizzying, and thought at the time that I could understand why people are normally unaware in such states. I look forward to researching this more.
