
Thank you for your explanations, Aelfrede. :smile:

I’ll move this thread to the “Beyond Dreaming” forum, because it’s more related with shared dreaming, curation, persistent dream wolds, etc…

I don’t want to be the asshole, but as a sceptically thinking person I have some questions:
1/ How can we know the Dreamhackers are more than a bunch of extremely gifted storytellers?
2/ If they are not making it up, how can we know that what they tell, is the result of experiments and observation? Maybe it’s just suggestion or whisful thinking?

Don’t get me wrong, I read through the whole thread in one time, and I’ve found it very interesting. If what they tell is real, it would be really great! But to be really convinced, I’d like to see more concrete dreaming/experimentation results instead of sci-fi-like conclusions. Like the guy that heals people: I can tell that I heal people by closing my eyes and shrinking my mental eye to submolecule level, which allows me to manipulate the genes themselves, for example.

Or the dream map stuff, I’d really like to see some of them.

BTW, is there a Russian in the room willing to search for the DH’s sites???


actually I agree with you and this is something crucial, suggestability. If I create a dream map and let everyone know what’s on it, of course others will have similarities, we all know the power of events from waking life suggesting dream content. I’m involved with a project of theirs that’s about to get started. I’ve asked this question, whether everyone else will be able to see each others maps whilst the project is going on. I think it would be invaluable to have such a project where you work on dream maps for some time and no one else can see each other’s maps. So that afterwards, you can see what similarities and connections exist beyond the boundaries of physical communication.

Thanks for expressing your interest and scepticism. What’s the point being taken a back by discoveries where everyone dreamt of the same land, although they told each other about it, thereby influencing each other’s dreams? However, I can’t be sure that that was happening with Dreamhackers, they may not have shared their maps initially. Also, the preliminary study that went on in Russia looked at various dreams from the public and found similarities, so it does look like something worth researching more.

However, there is a use to have an agreed upon location to meet up in dreaming. You can link intent that way, and then truly connect with people, sharing the same experiences that you then verify with each other. The only way to truly “prove” to ourselves is through experience.


[size=75][color=green]I added some translations and corrections here: “(hackeros ?) as Genaros were pupils of Don Genaro (see Carlos Castaneda’s books)”. Basilus[/color][/size]

I’ve done some research. I went to integrity.org.ru/

I’ve found a site over there, integrity.org.ru/hackeros/hackeros_map.htm

It is in russian, but in abox on the right is written (i’ve used an online translator):

And then, most interesting, there is some kinda “what we do” page, integrity.org.ru/hackeros/h_info.htm. Translation:

BTW, ‘Dreamhackers’ in Russian is ‘Хакеры сновидений’

Ok, here’s more…

"krasnij okjabre
Unregistered User
(3/1/03 8:18 pm)
Reply Re: Iveta/Sergei

I’ve just spent most of my weekend going over these “Dreamhacker”
posts, in order to better understand what was being said. For me, the
best way was to rewrite them, “translate” them again, if you like,
which I did, and all I can say is these guys, from a totally
different shamanic origin, have come to corroborate much of what CC
wrote about Toltec Dreaming. Strange, huh?

And what I love is the fact that they seem to have no axe to grind,
no reasons or intention of personal aggrandisement. If you read it,
you’ll see that they “despise Gurus”. Music to my ears. (But not to
some others I fear). They just seem to want to share an open honest
account of what they have done, (there’s a lesson there too for
someone) and the reasons for their thinking and for their strategy.
Refreshing, and uplifting. I hope others around here realise what a
veritable gold mine of information these people have. I, for one, am
very grateful to have the chance to read their story. For non-english-
speaking people, it must have taken an immense amount of hard work
just to have posted what they have so far, let alone all the years of
serious hard work that they have put into their practice.

And to Iveta and Sergei: in one of the CC books, don Juan was quoted
as saying:

“Machines are extensions of the senses…”

…so it’s not really a big surprise that you have found many
correlations between the concepts of computers and the concepts of
Dreaming. Maybe “machines” ARE the physical manifestation of a
subliminal/subconscious memory.

And questions? I have a bucketload of questions. But I’ll wait.

Spassiba tovaritschi

Esteemed Regular
Posts: 23
(3/1/03 10:01 pm)
Reply Re: Krasnij okjabre

I confused by your words.

Few extracts:

"Risk levels

0 level - first mapping stage. Flyers and ollies don’t know about
your existence yet. You are free in your evolution. The shields of
tonal are still strong and indissoluble.

1st level - a gap is shaping in your cocoon. You are now opened for
the forces of nagual and death. And death begins to strike you hard.
You start attracting ollies. They are beginning to investigate you
whereas you think that you are going crazy. Half of the adepts stops
practice on this stage. Many of them got an incurable body or mind

2nd level - Mortal dangerous! The contact with universe forces and
energies demands on person’s perfection and special mood. Flyers’
pressing is unbearably strong. Ollies are catching you attention,
trying to become a part of your life. Possession, manias, various
neoplasm seem to be not the worst issues here. The worst cases are
captivity in labyrinth (that means coma in reality) or agonies in
FSS’s (federal security service) torture chamber.

I didn’t propose that science is so weak in CD (controlled dreams)
area. I was shocked by lack of information of our scientists.
Recently I’ve become a member of dream studying association founded
by Patricia Garfield. And studying its archives I’ve realized that
scientist don’t know anything about CD. And FSS doesn’t know about it
as well. But they want to evolve that field in their own way. Assume
that we worked out the technique of putting sprites into LD. What a
great potential for FSS work! They desire to affect people dreams
scaring them in Freddy Kruger manner or programming them as zombies
for some orders. E.g. Doc investigated the labyrinths and learned how
to lead people out from them. What if conversely - lead them in? What
a wide field of action! This isn’t less dangerous than the flyers
are. Those tyrants are good call for us! That is real conquista for a

Tame Bow"

OH MY GOD! I’ve found a dreamscape map or what is it called by using the russian expression for map combined with the russian expression of Dreamhackers!

Look in the middle, slightly up to the nord, there is a word that looks like DOM. And DOM is the Russian word for ‘House’ or ‘Home’. So I’m quite sure that this is the map. Cool :cool:

I’ve seen these maps, I was going to post links to them. There is somewhere else that might be of interest to you, but I’m just getting the go ahead from someone…

BTW, the last event on their news page is from 5.06.2003, so I think they really disappeared. Too bad :cry:

But I’m interrupting again, so from now on, I’ll shut up and let you talk. Go ahead!

Don’t worry there is still stuff going on believe me :wink: More on that later


I’ve been given the go ahead to post these links, I’ll also include an online translator that translates web pages for free, although there are a few english sections on the site:

The general forum can be found at:


Specific english sections (which still have some russian on):

“Dream Mapping project”:




“Communication and Stuff”:




“Prompt Online Translator” (make sure you select russian to english! :wink:


Maybe see you on there, or chat here more :smile:

hi, I’d like to know if there is a way to contact those guys (the dreamhackers) cause i’m searching some info on the “patience of medici” stuff.


hi, West lucid dream users :smile:
i want little correct your opinion about dreamhackers group.
sorry my pure ugly english, i’m russian.
russian hacker.
russian dream hacker :smile:
firstly, u need know little things about dh history:
before hiding dh group from internet at 2003 year,
they tried to organize the next hacker generation, named “hackeros”
this hackeros group is … not a lucky as first generation :sad:
on the strength of different reasons hackeros group is desintegrated.
it is very sad history, with killing site and materials of first dreamhackers.
u written here about redirecting dreamhacker site to some “integrity” group :sad:.
integrity site and group is “fake” of hackeros group!
hackeros is not to gather at now.
but this history not finished!
it is contrfinished!
after finish hackeros group, was born DreamHackers version 2 group.
this group restore all materials from first generation,
and continue research processes.
we “live” people, have own sites for group stream works.
and have good result too.
our main portal - aworld.ru/mff/r7.html
this is russian, but having some english topics.
try to find and read “Ravenna lessons” for example
this is stream practice of dreams is active at now.
now we finished 13 of 16 tasks.
it is front end dreamhackers technology with “dream hackers interface”
this interface is real work, i using this, for example.
next my notes about dh technology:
we using not a castaneda legacy only.
we try all practice, real working.
ang have results, continued and extended castaneda’s knowleges!
for example, using DH Patience Medici stalkers technics,
we hacking chains of volumes of castaneda,
find transit between 10 volume (active side of infinity) and 12(magic passes) :smile:
and find … next continued event … :wink:
this enigmatic event, may be will be exploring or will be a public in next year
may be :smile:
and this event related to dream hackers :wink:
u are welcome and open for answers
but most of this is russian, with bad english :sad: now
but we working with this problem!
if u send questions to our portal (please in single topic only),
someone hacker quickly answer to u
it is not some public relation action, sorry.
we not need it!
we find this topic accidentally, and wonder about very old information about dreamhackers.
regards and respect to this forum and moderator,
and sorry if i maybe little hack u rulez :smile:

Hi all!
I would like to add some words to the previuos reply.

I’m also Russian from that Dreamhackers’ forum: aworld.ru/maska/forumsp4463a.htm#lastinfo
In the middle of August ,Ravenna - a DreamHacker started an interactive practical work there. You may read the results there, but they are in russian. But! we translated all her Tasks from Russian to English. You may read it and begin practicing. We are ready to help you and answer questions.
welcome! :smile:

Thank you Lady Mary and the Daedalus for this information. :smile:

I wonder why that was the end of the story… Regardless of opinions on the existence and story of Dreamhackers, their methods work. Patience Medici (Medici’s Solitaire) is a masterpiece, Dream Mapping (cartography) is an excellent tool. I run a website on Dream Mapping myself.

I feel like a necro-poster… Is there any interest in any of these matters? I will continue posting some of the most interesting places in my dream journal. This is a typical “East meets the West” case where both can benefit from the meeting :wink:


I’m an “old” lucid dreamer, but my oppinion is that I was loosing my time on lucid wanderings. Now, I’m totally in dream maping practice and it’s for me the best way to organize dreaming space, to remember all my dreams and move my self to controlled dreams… Dreamhacking is a next step in dreaming, after lucidity.
BTW, I’m a founder of Dreamhackers group in Croatia:

site url removed due to forum guidelines

Best regards! G.

Very interesting read. I stopped at the top of page three. I agrree’d with the OP’s idea of avoiding suggestion tainting. I was quite surprised to see that others have experienced what my dreamself seems to be doing naturally. Didn’t realize people developed words for it.

I actually completed an additional quest this previous evening and was recalled back to the castle. I haven’t gotten a good look at my map recently and was surprised to see how much land was uncovered. All that was left was the open sea. I declined the request to return to the castle and explored the “fog of war” with my ship. Found another island south west of one of the mainlands. Played a game there until someone interrupted me and I was pulled out of my console. She insisted that I was playing her copy of the game. I was certain she was mistaken.

So it’s funny to wake up and see this thread appear.

Again, interesting read up to where I got.

is this real or something?

[mod]Many posts removed under the guidelines of spam. :ysim:

If you wonder what happened to a proposed training of the dreamhackers - this is why it has been removed. Showing extreme disrespect to the admin, and spamming the training to take place somewhere else - it has been decided to remove the whole conversation from the point that this person entered the thread. She also is not here on LD4all anymore, neither will the training take place here. ~Q~