Hi dreamers,
I used to be very good in LD-ing but I’ve lost the ability long time ago… Now I am trying to re-discover it… A few days ago,I’d read about dream signs and after that I had a dream in which I’d recognised a dream sign and I told myself: this must be a dream! Then I tried to control my dream but I could not do it. It seems like a lucid dream, but I am not sure about it, it is more like that it was just a normal dream about lucid dreaming… (oooops! how does this sound?) but I think it is a good start, isn’t it?
I do easily recall my dreams and it seems that my thoughts are in a very good connection with"my sleeping self". (like when I’d read about the dream signs and very soon I tried to apply it in my dream; without performing those reality checks during the day)
And I do have some other interesting things related to the dreams… so I know I will get back into LD …but if you have some tips to help me get there sooner… that would be nice.
By the way, at the time I used to do LD-ing, I didn’t even know that there is a name for these dreams, it just somehow happened to me… At one point I decided not to have these dreams anymore… (a long story) and I did not.
Now the story is changed and I am back to my magnificent dream world (my real life is equaly exciting … but why not have it all?)
To all dreamers on this forum: all the best @ Fly high… looking forward to your suggestions
Lucid dreaming is knowing you are dreaming while you’re dreaming, so that was a LD! It doesn’t matter if you can’t control it, it’s still a LD. The level of control you have varies from dream to dream usually.
I bet if you used to have LD’s it won’t be hard for you to get back at it. Just play around with the different techniques and see what works for you. If you are good at remembering dreams you might not have to keep a DJ, although why not? it’s fun.
Good luck!
Thanks for your reply.
I used to be very good in LD-ing, however, I am not so good in this terminology related to the lucid dreaming. I know a lot from my own experience, but I still need to learn some stuff… For me being aware that I am dreaming means that I absolutely can control my dream as well. At least that is how it used to be back then. These days (or nights), I have been trying some of the tehniques that I found on this web site. So far the best way for me is this: I close my eyes, relax and tell to myself: In my dream I will remember that I am in a dream and I will recall it in the morning when I wake up. (sometimes, I have the feeling that I was lucid during my dream but I just forget about it after waking up. is that possible?)
So far, my favorite thing is falling asleep while looking in the pictures behined my closed eyes (hypnagogia, correct?). It is nice to have a name for this…
I believe that enjoying things make it easier to achieve the state of lucidity… Being relaxed and enjoying it… that is what works for me.
Also, if I am aware that I am in a dream - why wouldn’t I have the absolute control over that dream. In fact, my experience is exactly this: being in control of my dreams as soon as I become aware that I am dreaming. If the degree of lucidity is high, there is no reason why we shouldn’t be able to control our dreams… That must be the key for dream control: how aware we are that we are in a dream; the greater awareness - the greater ability to control the dreams…
Anyway, nice to have someone to talk about this…
Relax & Enjoy, I’ll let you know how I am progressing…
It’s possible to get lucid and later forget, I think. As weird as that may sound…
I agree. The thing is that dreams can be very… weird in every sense, I beleive. I mean, your SC is involved and you don’t control him. If you say “I want to fly!!!” your SC can just say “nope” and you don’t.
ok! If you want, go ahead and send me a PM or something.
Really? So basically your fighting to prove to yourself you can control the dream and your SC?
That sucks. Lol.
Well, I think so… but maybe it’s less like fighting and more like learning…
I am my SC.
We are not aware of the stuff in our SC, but it is who we are; and in a dream state - we do get a direct access to our true selves.
And I agree, with LD - there are limitless possibilities for learning…
anyway, thanks for your reply. I am finding a lot of good info on this forum. And I am still trying to get the full lucidity… so hopefuly… till next time
I’ve had quite a few dreams similar that. They seem like lucid dreams, but although the dream involves me going “hey I’m dreaming” and fun stuff happening, I know I wasn’t really lucid, and it was basically a dream about lucid dreaming. It’s hard to explain, but those dreams are more like watching a film. When it’s a real lucid dream, you’re really aware of it and you know you’re aware of it. They’re still quite fun though.
Pls help me to explain this:
My last dream: I am with a friend and I look at the sky and notice that something strange is happening - clouds are changing the shapes in a very strange way, finally forming letters on the sky and I read" Sorry I can’t QAN". I ask what “QAN” means… Then, from the sky - there are falling huge rocks. We are in danger and my friend is screaming.
I look at him and start shouting these words: “Don’t be scared! This is just a dream. We are safe, and in fact we are asleep at this moment and lying in our beds. This is just a dream! (I wonder there if we are perhaps sharing the same dream or is it just mine…?) I will change this dream and you will see that this is not real…!”
And then we are somewhere different, the dream scenery changes and we are safe…
Great dream isn’t it?!
Except, it wasn’t a lucid dream at all… just a normal dream - about being lucid in a dream - where, in fact, I am not!
I used to have the real LDs (long time ago), so I do know what a lucid dream is alike… and this one was just a regural dream. I even dreamed about having ability to control my dream… isn’t it amazing?
This is not the first time that I have similar dreams… I am trying to become a lucid dreamer again, but I manage only to dream about it… But do you think that it is still working… that I am on a way to recover the lost ability for LDs?
And my method is this - I just tell myself before I fell asleep: “I’ll have a LD tonight.”
So far, it didn’t happen… but still my dreams have been realy good and I enjoy it very much. Almost can’t wait to see what is going to happen each night… I tried to ask some questions before going to sleep - and in my dream - I do get the answers… although, those are not lucid dreams… Are there some other kinds of dreams…?
So what do you think about this ? Any suggestions…?
Hypnagogic = falling asleep
Hypnapompic = waking up
therefore, on this site hypnagogic imagery is waht we normally discuss as it is what you can observe when using WILD.
Yes, absolutely, thats why its recommend that you can remember at least one dream a night before you try lucid dreaming.
Thats fine if you want to use that as your definition; just know that the standard definition here on LD4ALL is nothing more than the knowledge that your dreaming
Not always, though high lucidity and dream control frequently go hand in hand. Sometimes though its thing like a lack of “trust” or “belief” that certain techniques will work. If you don’t fully accept that you can fly, for instance, you will have a difficult time actually flying because you don’t believe you can. You have to really “know” that this dream is a dream and that you can, therefore, do whatever you want.
i once had a ND about LD. my sisters bf said that i was having a concous dream. i said no its called a lucid dream and walked away.
I had a dream in which I had six fingers on one hand, and therefore tried to go to sleep because then I would have a lucid dream, but there was a guy who wouldn’t let me.
Another time, I dreamt that I won a magical plate (what do you call those things you carry food on to put on tables? In Norwegian they’re called “fat”.), so I could wish for anything. That was a fun dream. I flew on it, and when I was flying over a lake at night (it was so beautiful , I wished for a lucid dream the next time I went to sleep. Too bad I was asleep already.