I recently read a post about if you can dream about dreaming in your normal dreams or in lucid dreams. Anyways, last night I was having a normal dream that I was playing the piano (very badly) and I was thinking, “Now im going to dream about this because its something that will stick out during my day”, so then I just stopped playing. When I woke up I thought, well…I must of been close to going lucid but just didnt. Im excited im getting closer to that state of mind, I havent had a lucid dream since I was like 8. So yes, I believe you can dream about dreaming, and its weird.
If you dream about dreaming, it’s a sign that your sub-c is “interested” in dreams, so you’re close to lucidity.
Dreams IN dreams are another story. They happen, but I wouldn’t treat them as “inner level dreams” - it’s the same dream, only its vividness/your awareness may change. Sometimes people having FA think that they had dream in a dream.
“All what we see or seem
is but a dream within a dream” - E. A. Poe
I believe that you’re getting closer and closer. In fact that you actually thought about that you might have a dream about playing your piano when in fact that you’re actually dreaming. It’s a sign that you’re getting really close. Your subconscious is starting to accept the fact that maybe you will dream this and this. Eventually (hopefully) your subconscious will start to accept the fact that maybe you’re dreaming right now, therefore you become lucid.
Dream within dream is more like dreaming that you’re falling asleep and is dreaming other dream. It most likely to get you lucid in that 2nd level of dreaming, but you think you’re awake before you “fell” asleep within your dream. So technically it is not really a lucid dream, but yet it is since you’re aware that you’re dreaming.
Hopefully I make everything a bit clearer here. Good luck!
I think that LD within a dream is actually a lucid dream - is fulfills all conditions: -you’re dreaming, -you are aware that you are dreaming. Falling asleep in a dream means just change of the environment, and often loss of vividness. It’s still THE SAME dream, like FA doesn’t push everything before into the “dream inside dream” category, but results in increase of vividness.
That type of LD is usually low-level though.
I’ve been having a lot of these dreams lately. Yesterday, I had an FA in this meditation group that were all trying to LD. We were supposed to have LDs through meditation. I actually did LD before I “woke up”.
And the day before that, I “woke up” in a sleep laboratorium, and a scientist showed me a lot of diagrams of my brainwaves and pointed out the moments where I had been lucid (actually I did regain lucidity a bit after that)
And by the way, FAs such as these do not make the preceding LD a fake LD. Even if you have an LD within a dream, you were lucid because you first have the lucid dream and then you “wake up” and lose lucidity. Not the other way around.