Last night i was running in this pitch dark place(in my dream) and i was yelling…“why cant i lucid dream!!?” then i just woke up and agrivated at the fact when these things happen i never remember to do a RC or anything… i always just wake up.
Am i going to get better at this naturally or could i use some advice?
What do you mean by “Am I going to get better at this naturally?”. If thats asking if you’re going to get better at having lucid dreams by just reading about them and hoping for one, then no. However, if you’re asking about whether or not you will get better if you learn the technqiues and make an effort then the answer is yes.
Crazy story… last night I had a dream within a dream and when I woke from it (in my dream) I knew I was still dreaming and tested to see if I could become lucid. I began to jump cause I wanted to fly but I wasnt floating or freezing or anything… I just couldnt become Lucid but I knew I was still dreaming!I began to shout as you did.
While thinking about LD’s and having them can increase your chances (they are form of autosuggestion) your not going to have a huge increase and definitly will not be able to have LD’s consistnently.
I know that and im not one of those people whos like yea this sounds cool im gunna try this…then they just sit back and wait. Ive been working on this for a pretty long time now… and really working. Im pretty dedicated.
If you are putting in effort then it is a virtual guarantee that you will get better, really the biggest key is truly believing you can have LD’s. I know that is hard to just do but once you believe you can LD at will, you can.
That is a contrdiction, an LD is defined as a dream where you know you are dreaming. What you may be thinking of is a low level of lucidity, which is just poor control. I get that.
I once had something like that. I had a dream that I was in some hotel and at some point in the dream I laid down on a bed to go to sleep. Then I had a dream in the dream, except that this was a lucid dream, albeit a short one. When I woke up from the lucid dream within the dream I was in the same place but I lost lucidity . It was very peculiar
However, in your case I would practice using reality checks more and hopefully next time you even think or say something about lucid dreaming in a dream you’ll try a reality check and become lucid.