Dreaming for years upon years.

I just had a thought. What if you went to bed as usual and became Lucid. But for some reason you couldn’t do anything you should be able to do but you know your dreaming. You find out your in the medival ages. Ok this sucks I want to wake up. “Wake up” NOW. WAKE UP. Wierd. Then it dawns on you what if you can’t wake up.
Never being able to wake up you spend years on this alone of cource you made many friends and all and adventures. Then 6 years pass. You’ve almost forgotten the real world and you wake up an hour after you went to bed. The memory of 6 years is in your head. You’ve matured and are not ready for the real world.

Has anone ever thought of this? What would you do when you woke up? O and another thought you were with your friends from real life all this time. 6 year MD. You phone them up right in the morning they are already awake.

Kind of scary.

Holy shit, step away from the bong for a minute…

Good thinking. I had to read that over a few times to get what you were really saying, but i think it makes sense now.

:bored: :eek: :confused: :hmmm:

Some people have the ability to slow down time in their dreams, so it can seem like hours, days, even years. It is just mindblowing, I dont know if anyone here has the capability to do it, but priests from ancient tribes hundreds and thousands of years ago heavily practised it so they might have been able to.
Also, a user’s report on a salvia trip said he lived out a 100 years of a different life, all in 15 minutes.

I have pondered on thoughs like this before. It seems like it would be a good idea for a movie… I would love to have an experiacne like this, I love losing myself in a dream, endulging in it, letting myself sink below the world of reality and embracing the world of my mind :smile: It would be extreamly cool if you did mature (not phyically). To have all those memories and experiances…

After you’ve woken up from a dream, it is often difficult to say exactly how long a dream lasted. Sometimes it may feel like the dream lasted a few hours. But it’s in retrospect, and usually a non-LD. The Lucidity Institute did experiments that tested perception of time in LD’s and they discovered that a person who counted out five seconds in an LD took five seconds in real life to do it.

Maybe it’s possible to change your perception of time, but I don’t believe a person could really live out 25 years in a 15 minute long dream.

I don’t Monitor, but your imagination is the limit, and lately ive just been realizing how insanely powerful the mind is; i believe it is possible to break these boundaries.

I’ve heard claims like this before and frankly I tend to assume these people are lying through their deceitful teeth.

If I woke up now to discover that my entire life had been a dream, that none of the people or places I knew actually existed, I can’t imagine the psychological damage it would do, I certainly wouldn’t be able to come to terms with the fact very quickly, if ever. And I’m an amazingly young, vibrant, and inexperienced person compared to a 100 year old.

The idea that these people wake up from a such a life and then simply carry on as normal, happily telling friends about their cool experience or yapping about it on message boards doesn’t seem very likely to me. I’d expect a long stay in a white room with a special jacket.

I’m pretty sure that you cant accually dream for that long. But you can make it seem like it with just your imagination simulating the passing of time. But if you were to count in your dream, you couldnt do it for more time than the time your asleep.

No, the guy that lived 100 years was not in a dream but in an intense salvia trip from a high dosage, im pretty sure he was just comatosed for that 100 years and saw it go by, but im not sure since i didnt read that part in the article, just that he did. I’ll try and find the article for you guys

M8’s I mean counting the days off. When you wake up their was no need to write any of it down because It was stuck in your memory since day one. I don’t think a person could stay sane after that. Don’t say your imagination did it you actualy were in that dream for 6 years. Imagine coming back to the real world. What a difference it would be. I said the medival ages because back then they weren’t advanced and all in all were almost a new society that would be hard to relate to. Note it was like reality you couldn’t deafiy the law of gravity or physiques their was no morphing colors of any sort or anything to give off it was a dream except for the fact that you were in the medevil ages.

This description is adapted from “Switching Realities: Salvia divinorum” by Anonymous, posted to the Erowid Experience Vaults. The effects were produced by two smoked hits of dried leaf. The full report can be found at erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=2139

The first thing to happen was for my vision (I could still see a little, from a small digital clock in the room) to just spin out of control, into a tunnel. I got a bit nervous, reaching for the light. With the light on, I felt a little strange, but no visual activity, so I mustered up some courage, shut off the music and turned the light out. I lay back and relaxed. What happened was wonderful. At first I kept switching realities… I was completely somewhere and someone else. I lived a complete life, had a complete memory of this life, and was just putting something on a shelf when I snapped back here to who I am. This sort of thing happened about three times. In one of them, the only thing I was aware of was that someone had just let out a blood-curdling scream. I was back here instantly, although I was scared that someone in my house had just heard that scream, but luckily it wasn’t me screaming. After this I just enjoyed some morphing color patches. They were not very bright, but very beautiful. Then the plant starting to talk with me. It was definitely female. I felt as if my mother was holding me as an infant, but unlike my mother. This was somehow more comforting. I felt better than I have ever felt in a trip…

It is not about how long the experience was that you had; how many things you did or thought. It is about how your memory puts things away. Only a matter of sticking the label ‘year’ instead of the label ‘ten minutes’. I don’t see why that is impossible!


I’ve had dreams where I’ve thought, “Hey, I’ve dreamt this before,” but on waking I’ve realised that I actually haven’t. The dream had given me the feeling of having a memory without actually giving me the memory itself.

I can imagine that this increased-time thing works the same way, these people don’t actually have the experience of living 100 years, they don’t have 100 years worth of memories, they just have a dream-created “I’ve lived 100 years” feeling.

Over two years of being here ive met few people who claimed it happened to them.Most of the cases werent something extraoridinary- they knew that time passed similarily to how we percieve it during watching the movie-10years passing in 1 hour or so.
But there were one or two pople asking for help about how to stop lucid dreaming cuz it took them to the extreme levels- they had lived in there for proper 10 or more years,had wives,even kids,got used to the world had their ups and downs,even attended to funerals of their friends.After awakeing it was very painfull to them to adapt to reality again and thewy were scared of falling asleep again because of the fear it happening again and eventuall mentall sickness.
I believed in it especially after talking to them on chat-they were extremelly unhappy and sad and begging for help.So i believe its possibile.
Btw-as we know time is different in dream and it might be the case that in one 20 mins rem we can experience unlimited amount of happenings in time.

Yeah, a fraction of time in the real world can be an infinite amount of time in the dream world, that’s just what i believe. I know it sounds crazy.
Thats nuts that people got attached to their 10 year dream like that… with having a family and all that. Did they not know they were dreaming, or what?

Ya thats what I meant you lived a life for 6 years not just that it seemed like 6 years you had all the memory of 6 years how you slept each night. Other dreams in your dream, how you grew, everything and always knowing it’s dream but you couldn’t do anything so you releaised you had to live on. Then after 6 years the real world is gone you forgot it.
After this you have all new skills. You know new thinks skills on how to cook certain things and new games to play.

Hey Jack, This time thingy, I’ve heard all the same things said about the Fairy world. Strange how these themes seem to keep popping up…

I dont think i would be able to forgot that im in a dream after 6 years… its like remembering important stuff that happened 50 years ago, it never leaves you. Im pretty sure the fact that your in a dream wont be forgotten. Plus all the impossible things that happen in a dream. Maybe, that person grew to love his new dream life because his real world might have been real rough.

Except in this dream every thing is normal except for the fact that you’ve gone back in time. That was the only thing that tipped you off that your in a dream.

Provided it was possible for time to slow down in dreams, I certainly don’t accept that someone could live out a realistic ‘alternate’ life in there. Particularly if they were lucid; things would be forever inconsistent, and there would be no rules. If your friend died, you could bring him/her back by tapping your heels together three times if you really wanted.

It’s difficult to accept that anyone could be unhappy with a dream that lasted the equivalent of several years to their perception. Firstly, you know that while you’re asleep in RL, you’re not missing anything substantial in your life. This is basically FREE time! An additional 10 years in between 2 arbitrary days one year is a bonus - given that you only have 70 to 90 years to live on average before eternal void anyway (depending on your beliefs).

Plus, you wouldn’t be locked into doing anything that you didn’t want to do. If you were, then it’s not really an LD. If it’s not really an LD, then I don’t believe time was actually slowing down, but rather the memories of an extended time period were simply available to you upon waking (as mentioned by Badcandlejack).

There’s also the issue of how your brain can process that much information in only a few minutes real time. Time is all about perception, and to me, this means how fast your brain is going. It might be possible to enhance the speed of your brain, hence slowing down time, but probably not by any significant amount. Maybe you’d get an extra 6 minutes to the hour by increasing your brain speed 10%, but it wouldn’t healthy or easy. Anyway, you can test this now.

I propose time perception is based on the frequency at which your brain is operating. If it slows down, more things will happen between cycles, and it will appear that time is going faster than usual. If you speed it up, less will happen between cycles of observation, and it will seem that time is going slower. Now, increasing the frequency of your brain’s cycles 100 or 1000 times is just preposterous. You’d melt your brain, or something.

(Insert generic disclaimer that the above opinion is based on the physical brain, and not the spiritual mind.)