Last night I had a dream where I asked myself if I was dreaming and I looked at words that changed as well as my hands which had bubbles coming off of them. But when I did both of these checks I didnt relize that I was dreaming. Perhaps I am not ready to lucid dream yet… Any suggestions/ thoughts?
Sometimes it happens.There are many levels of lds.Sometimes you`re more aware you dreaming and able to take some control ,sometimes its only a thought it might be an ld,sometimes even doing reality check which fails wont give you full awareness.Noone really knows why,its just a nature of lds(prolly more complicated and has to do with your skills,how rested your mind is,and heaps of other stuff)
Sometimes you can read that there are pre lucid dreams when you suspect it might be a dream and lucid when its confirmed by rc.
good luck
ps.please dont make triple posts about same thing:)
Howdy. I have some experience with what you’re describing.
I think it’s possible to just practice doing RCs without thinking about what state (awake or sleep) you’re in. It’s important to ask yourself that when you’re doing an RC: try to convince yourself you’re in a dream. “Maybe I can make that book float if I focus enough,” for instance.
Let us know how you do
The other night I was in a dream where I was not sure that I was dreaming. I happened to be in my bedroom which made it even harder to tell. As soon as I questioned my reality I tried walking through a wall and it worked therefore I knew that I was dreaming. My advice is that whenever you question your state of reality you must seiously consider that you might be dreaming and then do a couple of reality checks to find out.