Dreaming or Imagining??

Well, recently I’ve been trying to WILD when i first go to bed, which isnt the best time to try it but its better than nothing. Anyways, I usually fall asleep before i feel any of the symptoms - now and then i will feel like im slowly spinning or sinking but never any vibes or HI. But usually as i start drifting off, even while i’m counting, i’ll have strange, completely random thoughts/images/conversations which feel just like daydreams, then i’ll snap out of them. these daydream things just pop up out of nowhere - they dont form slowly like HI supposedly does. (my HI never really develops into anything). i should note that i also have these dream-like thoughts at night even if im not trying to WILD.
Sometimes i also have these mini-dreams in the morning after i’ve woken up and started to fall back asleep, but i’ll snap out of them slower. for instance, this morning i was imagining/dreaming that my mom was making rake leaves in the yard, but then i realized i was only thinking this in my head, and i was relieved to be laying in my bed.
So, am i actually dreaming somehow or is my tiredness just making me visualize my thoughts more and making them more nonsensical (like dreams). either way, these ‘dreams’ always fade quickly as soon as i suspect they’re not real. =/

                - lad

I too get the same random thoughts/images when I try to WILD while going to bed. I think it’s some sort of HI. And when I start getting it I know that I will fall asleep within 1-5 minutes. If you would be able to stay awake you would probably start getting more vivid HI than just random thoughts.

A few times I have almost WILDed when I went go sleep. But I can’t seem to hold it though, and I snapp out of it just like you. And in the mornings I usually don’t get any HI at all, I just fall asleep. But if I do get HI in the morning it’s extremely vivid.

yea, when im fading in and out of sleep in the mornings, my thouhgts/dreams are super vivid and realistic. but can you just find yourself having crazy HI without watching the basic HI shapes and patterns form into the imagery? i always thought you first see simple circles and stuff that eventually grew into more complex stuff? My HI never seems to turn into anything but blobs. BAH!

  • lad

It has happened that I get really vivid HI scenes without basic patterns. Once when I was trying to do VILD I suddenly saw a train and it was quite vivid. Then I fell asleep after maybe 10 sec. But usually I first get simple shapes and then they get more complex.

The best way to get vivid HI is to be really tired but still awake. Try sleeping only a few hours one night and the next night you try to keep you mind really active while going to sleep. Then you are almost guaranteed to get very vivid HI. And you will have lots more REM during the night because you slept so little the night before. And you will most likely sleep much longer than usual so you also have more REM-periods than usual.

I have also had HI while meditating, but the HI is usually really simple but quite vivid. Usually it’s a single color circle/square or something similar.

i think when you have these “thought dreams”, it is simply your brain switching over from awakeness to being “asleep”. I constantly run into this problem of my brain drifting as i am trying WILD. I, however, think that instead of trying to dismiss these “thought dreams” and pushing them out of the mind, we should try grasping onto them and trying to turn them into a lucid dream. its a stretch of an idea and it would take a great amount of mental effort to pull off but i think if one can actually do this it would have phenominal results. i’ll be trying to acomplish this myself and i hope other people will try it too (haha this should be in the experimental forum) i don’t know maybe it won’t work but its worth a shot. Good luck w/ it :content:

I also call it thought-dreams, which really come out of nowhere, while trying to WILD. Usually I would hit the vibes or become lucid just after one of these brief ones, but when they are long my WBTB WILD effort goes out the door :neutral:

It is not uncommon to be actively doing things in thought-dreams, then remembering I’m trying to WILD so I better not disturb my attempt.

I call mental dreaming the kind of dreams I often have at night where I’m not physically active in it at all and I know it’s not real, but can’t get lucid.

Yeah, happens to me too. But when I realise that it’s happening, i usually snap out of it.

Though last night, after realising it was heppening, instead of snapping out of it, I could simply carry it on, with the knowledge that this wasn’t real. It almost felt like a LD. :confused:. I wonder if I had kept with this, I’d have fallen into a proper LD?

I didn’t carry it on though, cos something made a quiet click in my bedroom. It wasn’t loud, but was enough to bring me back to full conciousness…

Dang, i have been trying the counting technique now and then when attempting a WILD, but i just cant help but fall asleep. i almost always just find myselt thinking/seeing/hearing things either while i’m counting or instead of counting, and i always snap right out of it like you said Pilot. What’s really crazy is when someone will say something to me in these ‘dreams’ and i snap out of it and try to go right back to counting - its so hard. Last night, i was counting backwards and someone told me to start digging this one hole in my thought/dream. I ‘woke up’ and tried to count “I’m dreaming 34” or whatever #, but instead i couldnt think straight at all and would just stumble “im digging…erh…lucid digging… ah…”, like i couldnt even count in my head correctly.

But yea, anytime i have any of these thought-dreams, alarms go off in my head saying Noo, you’re falling asleep! wake up! How do you guys let these thoughts/visualizations keep going? I’m usually just surprised by their randomness and to eager to find my count again. HUMBUG!

  • lad

hey dudes, i got a problem that last night when trying to mild/wild and this has happend b 4, and i duno if its hypnogogic imagery or what but, its like a section from my dream b 4 hand, and like im half in control, i just though to myself, hey am i dreaming? so i tested it and ive thought, whack that guy in the nose. and i did, lol then the guy cut sick, but it felt like 3rd person mode. like i was conscious in my bed and dreaming pretty much, but like it felt like i was watching myself and could just tell myself what to do, it felt like i want in my dream body., this only lasted like 2/3 mins

hey dudes, i got a problem that last night when trying to mild/wild and this has happend b 4, and i duno if its hypnogogic imagery or what but, its like a section from my dream b 4 hand, and like im half in control, i just though to myself, hey am i dreaming? so i tested it and ive thought, whack that guy in the nose. and i did, lol then the guy cut sick, but it felt like 3rd person mode. like i was conscious in my bed and dreaming pretty much, but like it felt like i was watching myself and could just tell myself what to do, it felt like i want in my dream body., this only lasted like 2/3 mins whats happening?