Dreaming while extremely tired.

Now that school has begun again, and the state of perpetual summer-relaxation is finally over, I have not remembered a single dream. I suspect that simpling repeating to myself at night that I will remember my dreams will no longer cut it, but I’m far too exhausted to do any of that alarm-clock induced dreaming and such. Does anybody have any suggestions as to improving dream recall in tired people?



I’ve been having the same problem, here’s what I do:

  1. Stay up 'till 1:00 AM finishing homework, reading forums, writing, etc.

  2. Wake up at 6:30 to get ready for school.

  3. As soon as you get home, take a nap on the couch. Napping on the couch is where I get my most vivid dreams.

This may not be the healthiest solution, but it works. (note: I didn’t to this just to get more vivid dreams, that’s just how I sleep sometimes)