Dreaming without sleep paralysis?

Hello Dreamers,

I have a question.

Yesterday morning I woke up because my alarm went off so it was time to get up but I was still a bit tired so I went up half but was still leaning on my elbow and with my head on my hand but then I felt asleep again and I immediately started dreaming about a situation with someone in the living room of the supportive group home (where I life) and after a few seconds I woke up again and I noticed that I was still up half and leaning on my elbow and with my head on my hand and now I wonder:

Was I dreaming without my body being in sleep paralysis?
Because, how else could I still be half up leaning on my elbow and with my head on my hand?


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LOL! IDK, but I’ve done this very thing many, many times. I’ve entered into dreams sitting up and meditating…many, many times! Sometimes with my eyes open, believe it or not. All I can say is that dreaming is weird and mysterious. I’m glad there’s advancing research on it, but…seriously…I think the whole scope of what’s actually going on in these states is probably well beyond scientific explanation, as it stands. Still, though…I’m glad we’re doing research on it. Hell, LaBerge’s research is what got me into LD’ing in the first place. Hats off to the guy doffs cap.

And, to give credit where credit is due…hats off to those here who’ve helped advance the research that LB started. You know who you are bows low enough to kiss the floor. Your service to the dreaming community, at large, is highly appreciated!