DreamMaker Program

I was looking at some drawings by Kwisatz()Haderach at https://lordofchao5.0catch.com (he posted this link in the lucid lounge)
and I was attacked by some pop-up advertisement for this…
DreamMaker™… seems to aimed at a mainstream, non LDer market.
A quick search here didn’t find anything about it, but sorry if there’s already a topic.
Anyway, anyone else know anything about this? Looks a bit dodgy to me. Plus all it is is a book and a CD or tape.

:cheesy: Some of the testemonies were good to have a laugh at though.

I wish we had a rich benefactor on the boards who could buy these things, try them all out and then let us know how well they work.

Even I, who likes to give a fair chance to anything, have to admit that the testemonials would better serve the product if they were removed. They come off sounding like they were all written by the same guy. Yikes. :bored:

I think those testimonials would be banned in America… ;-D So dirty!

Um, they guys tesamonials sound like they were directed more twords a subculture than main stream? I dunno maybe thats what he wanted?