Where have you been?
Anyway, regarding your question, I consider these “know that is a dream but then you wake up and gets shocked about it” as FLDs.
On side note, some people ask me what I consider HLDs. (Half Lucid Dreams). I consider HLDs as LDs that I cannot do anything but I have the same consciousness. That usually happens because I am too tired to take advantage of the LD or the awareness is unstable but I still have the same peak of complete awareness. On the other hand, in FLDs I don’t have the same awareness, it is almost like my mind is not fully working and/or I cannot recall my RL.
How to deal with it? I don’t know a completely foolproof technique, however, learning how to RC properly solves the issue in most cases.
You need the correct mindset to RC successfully.
There are several techniques to achieve that:
Waggoner claims that you must search for a critical question, one example could be
“Why did I create this? How does this relate to my beliefs, thoughts or feelings?”
LaBerge recommends RCing and then thinking “how would the RC tell me that it’s actually a dream?” and then you check your surroundings and then you RC again.
Wyvern recommends asking yourself something like why and how. (Is this real? Why is this real? How I got here). I am not sure about this actually I am not a master of this technique.
Tggtt devised a process that contains seven questions meant to be asked and answered in order.
Regardless of what you choose, it seems that it’s important to attain the mindset to RC before RCing. There are hypothesis around this, for example, being really lucid could be linked to a specific brain region that needs to be awakened. Well I don’t have further details.
Good luck.