So I recently came to notice that some weird coincidences have happened sometimes…
All three of the ones that I clearly remembered are very similar.
The first being there was this person I havent spoken to in months, even though we go to the same school we hardly see each other. But I had a dream where I saw her at this specific spot at school… One where I never seen her there before. Next morning I walked down that specific spot and there she was. I was almost in a state of shock, I was “tripping” out so hard. So I thought it was a coincidence.
There was this person at elementary school I knew, at high school the person went somewhere else. I had a dream that I was talking to her in elementary school. Approx. two days later at work, this very same person shows up to the register. Never has this person showed up here before as far as I know. But I thought another coincidence maybe.
Here I had another dream where I was in a resort and I saw an old crush from high school. We talked and stuff in the dream, had a walk. Next day, a friend of her had a new bbm picture. It just so happened to be my crush (She was passed out in the picture from drinking lol). Never had this person uploaded a picture of my ex-crush on bbm before. It’s been probably two years since I last seen any sort of thing about her (She went dark, removed all social networking profiles). I never tripped harder before.
So I always thought the things we dreamed was simply images created by our subconsciousness or if lucid your regular consciousness. But now Im truly starting to believe theres more to it than that. The first two was believeable after reflection but the last one blew my mind. The time period between each one varied.
So have you guys had any experience similar to this? Maybe thoughts on dreams being something more than images created by our selves? Anything…