Dreams 'fading away'

Hi, last night again I was lucid, for a moment
for a moment the colors were all very vivid and my dream world very much alive
I started to talk to characters and even managed to think about looking for my dream guides

but then way too quickly colors started to dissapear, images became vague/unclear and I lost the connection with my dream… is it the excitement? I don’t believe I was that excited… and I know about and tried the spinning or calling out tips but neither helped

what’s wrong?

Hi mvan :smile:

Sometimes you get lucid just before you would normally wake up because your mind is already in the process of waking up. To help stay in the dream, the moment you you realize you are dreaming you should start to rub your hands, move around, feel objects or do anything you can to keep your senses active. If the dream does fade, you can also try spinning while rubbing your hands to bring it back. Don’t let up if you can feel anything at all, even if you think you are awake.

If all else fails and you do wake up, stay still and try to stay focused and you might be able to chain back into another LD.

Good luck :content: