Have you ever had a dream with a song in it that sounded really good, with the full band playing and everything, but when you wake up and think about the song you realize you have never heard that song before? That’s because your mind created it on its own. I’ve had this several times, and next time I have a LD i’m going to turn on a radio and see if I can’t find a song i’ve never heard before and try to remember as much of it as possible so when I wake up I can write it down.
I’ve had many dreams where I’ve gone to see some of my favorite bands in concert and they always play something totally made up. The funny thing is, while I’m dreaming, I think it’s actually one of their songs.
I have had a lot of those dreams. The music always sounds so good! I can’t remember the music well when I wake up…or my IRL voice can’t sing the difficult songs my dream voice can. Do you write music IRL? It would be nice if you found a way to “translate” dream music into IRL music
Ya I took Music Theory last year and learned how to transcribe music, and i’m good at playing guitar. Thing is, like you said, I have to remember the song enough for this to work. I would think it would be possible though.
Hey, yeah, I often get this, dream music…
Its always sounds awesome, its too bad I can never remember it.
Also, try this- when your really tired, and starting to fall asleep, think of music- with me, my mind can just make awesome music when Im tired, I dont have to do anything because it just sort of goes along itself… I just listen to it
Has this happened to anyone else?
usually my music really sucks
but one time i was half asleep and writing some sort of dream theater sounding song, it was so incredible, somehow, i was just, layering all these parts and making them all go off at once, like, I in a way “was” each part, so It’s just like, I put a solo in, and I wasn’t sure what I was doing, but I knew I was making the solo, and it sounded great…
and then I got sort of lucid a bit and I was like “wow, this sounds like a dream theater song”
I wonder if maybe it was a dream theater song though it could have been… I’d like to think I made it up on my own though.
yeah, i’ve woken up a few times with a song in my head, grabbed a guitar and gotten it down on paper. never ld’ing though.
I’ve had this a few times. Often the music sounds much better while I’m dreaming it though
I once dreamt of Placebo performing a song in concert. When I woke up I only remembered a few notes but they were completely original.
a few nights ago i dreamt about my piano teacher playing what he called in the dream “his latest composition for piano and orchestra”.it’s name was kinda like “The Sad Dance” or something like that, but in french. I could hear every passage very clearly and the orchestra sounded very real. I never heard that music before in RL, but it was awsome. When I woke up I tried helplessly to hang on to the tune I had, but it slipped away
I think Mozart got inspiration from his dreams. And for you interested in video games, it might be interesting to know that Yasunori Mitsuda, the man behind the music for games like Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Xenogears and Xenosaga, repeatedly credit his dreams as a source for inspiration.
I write 90% of my band’s music while dreaming, it’s when I am at my most creative! I write the full band’s music as I can play drums and guitar and bass and when I dream I actually hear it all at once after creating it.
Then I wake myself up so I don’t forget and I write it all down. Next day I show everyone how to play it and away we go! I consider myself generally better than average at writing usually but when I use lucid dreaming my songs are far superior to my usual stuff!
thats funny. i read this topic yesterday and i heard music in my dream last night, which happens rarely. my friend was singing a song at the piano and even when he stopped moving his mouth, i could still hear him singing. i guess i should have realized it was a dream, but i figured it was prerecorded or something.
i’m studying music composition in college and i would like to see what i can come up with in my dreams, or turn on a dream radio and remember what i heard. crazy stuff.
- Lad
I had an awesome idea for a solo in a dream the other day, so I walked up to a man facing away from me who had a guitar and asked to borrow it, but forgot the solo completely when he turned around and I saw that he was Jimi Hendrix.
A while ago I had a dream where i walked outside and the clouds were singing. It was such a beutiful tune, i still remember it to this day.
ever heard of aphex twin…
apparently he has a cd that he says was first created in lucid dreams then recreated IRL
I had no idea he was into lucid dreaming. I have his albums, ‘I care because you do’ and ‘Drukqs’
I wonder if any of his videos are dream influenced. Remember the ‘come to daddy’ video