Dreams only last five minutes?

I’ve heard somewhere that scientists think that each dream only lasts five minutes. Do you think this is true? If so, then that would mean lucid dreams would be quite short… But then again, I’ve also heard the theory that time moves 40% slower in dreams.

Or that could be bogus, you never know when it’s on the internet…

I thought the five minutes was wrong … i found this on the net

you do realize time doesn’t exist.

Yeah, I’ve had long discussions about that with my brother.

But I just realized that about dreaming. Since time probably doesn’t exist in your dreams (for example, clocks never work in dreams), maybe you just don’t know how long it’s been. I mean, it’s hard to tell how long a dream is.

yes i had this long ongoing dream about dragons or castles or some shit (Which i kept re-entering cause it was awesome :cool:) and it seemed to go on for hours. So in dreams time is not an object it is just you know there.

well ya know that time doesn’t exist, in fact it is actualy a very crude measurment using the rotation of the earth around the sun. and because time is somthing created by man it can be manipulated by man so there ya go, a dream can last for as long as ur mind makes it, but I think that jamming all of that info to have a dream that seemingly lasts days in the space of an hour can probably cut down on your mental rest.

Hmm… It seems like iv’e had dreams that are ours long, and i remember them. If we sleep average times of 8-9 hours a night, then that would be a lot of dreams. I’m not sure your source is reliable, you might want to check it out.