My friend told me that our dreams go backwards, that we always dream in “rewind”. Does anyone here know if there’s any truth to this? If it’s true, when we become lucid during a dream does it suddenly stop going backwards? And dreams playing backwards doesn’t make much sense. It seems like a lot of things wouldn’t work.
That’s complete and utter tripe.
Dreams don’t occur backwards, because they are NOT pre-prepared movies that your subconscious simply plays. They happen one event at a time, each one changing what’s going to happen next depending on how your subconscious reacts to the situations.
That’s what I thought. I think he said he heard it from a teacher
I’ll ask him where he heard it the next time I see him.
i’ve experienced it once.
There is no rules regulating dreams, just because they aren’t pre-scripted doesn’t mean they can’t go backwards. I have dreamt in rewind, but it was of a dream i had already had. Maybe this is what happened?
The person had a dream they’ve had before but it was in rewind?
This may have been because of other cercumstances too, i had been very hot and after the dream i woke up very delirious and even have “blank spots” in my memory, i was quite scared and my parents called out the 24/7 doctor.
So why i had it or what caused it i don’t know, whether it was a product of me overheating and having a nasty episode or if it was even part of the cause i don’t know. But i have had one for whatever reason and i don’t care to experience it again.
But the point being it is clearly possible - at least with dreams you’ve had before.
i know that when i usually recall a dream it starts rom the end of it becasue that is the alst thing i remebered. then i go backwards from there to recall the dream most of the time…
maybe you teacher thought this was the case?
I totaly disagree that dreams go backwards, you might recall them backwards, but i don’t think you dream that way.
Here is my reasons.
Well how can you dream backwards and make decisions? You would have to premake decisions…
And what about lucid dreams??? How would you explain that? So you would have to know what you were gonna do before… No.
I dont think so (but this is just my opinion)
you don’t. If it’s non-lucid you aren’t in control, so if you think about it you’re along for the ride no decitions can be made.
Granted i don’t believe the general dream can be done backwards - but in my case i had had this dream before anyways so i new what was going to happen so it running backwards would have been the same as rewinding a film you’ve already watched.
- I should say when i dream i am in the dream like an actor or as a viewer, (like in an ld) if i don’t see/remember the dream as i am having the dream i won’t recall it on waking (did that bit make sence?)
Well if you are non lucid you just let it happen… yes. But you can make decisions even when not lucid. For instance… which way should i turn in my car ( in the dream).
So that is what i meant by having to premake decisions.
(do you get where i’m coming from???)
Well, no, things just seem to happen. You don’t really have much choice in the matter. The choice you seem to have is just an illusion. I’ll stop there, because I’m getting philosophical, and that always has nasty results.
exactly what i was trying to say.
LDs i would say no, but regular dreams i don’t see any reason why it’s not possible.
According to “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming”, normal dreams make use of the same ‘choice’ mechanism that you use when you’re conscious. You’re not aware of why you’re making the choices you are, but you’re still making them AT RUNTIME, and NOT in advance. That said, it stands to reason that dreams don’t always occur backwards. This, I believe, is what the original post was inquiring.