Dreams: Storyline or Sandbox based?

As I spend more time on this site, learning about the mechanics of dreams, and reading about people’s experiences, I’ve started to recognize that most (but not all) of the aspects of my dreams that I believed were just me, are actually fairly common. But one thing I would like to ask is the nature of other people’s dreams.

There are very few inconsistencies in my dreams. Most of my dreams are very storyline based, from beginning to end. Some of these dreams I could very well write a small story with, and not have to change anything for them to make sense. The people I become have purposes, involvements in linear things. They have goals, and a reason to be doing what they’re doing. Some of these dreams are rather short, but quite a few of them are extensive. Off the top of my head I cannot think of a specific dream that was a bunch of random nonsense. (though I know they are there, I probably just don’t pay much attention to them.)

From what I have heard in life about people talking about their dreams, is that their person acts based on the moment in that dream, rather than pursuing plans and goals. Atleast this is what I’ve heard. Whether this is true or not, is what I want to ask.

So are your dreams sandbox based? (meaning they are just in the moment), or are they storyline based? (like watching a movie or reading a book).
Any other kinds of dreams that dont particularly fit in those two categories?

Mine are usually storyline based, I think. I do get some of the random ones, though.

Well, mine have been both before, but I always seem to have some sort of objective. In fact, I can’t think of a dream where it was nonsense pure.

I had some dreams that were like storlyline, the longest one lasted I think 3 days, in dream time of course… And this one, the longest one was like: meeting the girl, get known, first date, her house… and then ended :sad:.

And some dreams are pure nonsense :happy:, but I find that interesting and amusing, and I’m fascinated by what mind can create…


I was told that all my dreams are sandboxy, but when I wake up, the only way I can remember them at all is to make a story out of them. I can still remember quite a few dreams that are just hiccups of images, though, so, I don’t know.

For me, normal dreams have a storyline based. But the moment I become Lucid, I forget the whole story and start creating things and doing things, then the dream becomes sandbox based.

Thankyou for the confirmations. Now I wish to ask: How long do these storyline based dreams last? Do these story dreams last until you wake up? Or do they morph into something else and lose consistency at some point? I’m not sure if the morphing has happened to me or not. That question came to mind just now… I remember very well some dream stories that were consistent from beginning to end. One specifically that a goal was made at the beginning, and at the very end of the dream, that goal was reached as the conclusion… This dream lasted a very long time, and it seems to be the longest dream I’ve had.
Other stories are rather short, like a bedtime story.

Also, I just realized, incase it’s unclear. When I speak of storyline based dreams, I mean dreams that would actually make a good book or even a movie. Not just typical ‘life’ stories.

My lucid dreams are almost always sandbox based if they’re high level. If my lucidity is low I might continue the “story” of the normal dream.

That said, even a lot of my normal dreams are sandbox based, because one of my tendencies in normal dreams is to do completely random stuff that has nothing to do with what goes on in the dream. I might just ignore that evil mob attacking me and start flying around for no reason. Sometimes these are the moments when I become lucid.

Most of my story-based dreams are of the normal variety, and a lot of them have been extremely interesting and vivid. I’ve even thought about turning one or two dreams in particular into short stories. They were just that awesome and complex.