Several times now I have been thinking about a belief of mine about dreams, then that night I have a dream that shows me I’m wrong!
I believed that colours in dreams are faded, I had a dream about bright yellow paint on a wall. So dream colours can be very bright.
I was reading pasQuale’s DJ about her conversations with DCs. I thought I don’t have many conversations in dreams. That night I dreamt I talked to several people about their life, their philosophies and their dreams.
I believed that are not many people/DCs in my dreams, and that I could use this as a DS. That night I dreamt I was in a courtroom with over 200 DCs!
One thing I learned about dreams, but then I forgot, and now I have learned again:
Dreams can refer to events from other dreams from same night, same week, or months apart.
I had one very interesting complicated dream. I woke up and wrote it down. Then I had 2 different dreams where I was discussing the meaning of the dream with different people.
I had one dream where I caught a bicycle thief, and made him tell me where his boss was. Several nights later I had a dream where I was telling a story about almost going to jail for beating up a thief.
It was very interesting to me that a dream can refer to events in another dream as if they are real. (I guess I believed that dreams would only refer to events from real life - WRONG!)
I think dreams can teach a lot of things. And yes, I think dreams can even teach us about dreams and how we dream. I often do problem-solving in my dreams. I find my dreams often present me with at least a few solutions to the problem.
Lexa & Sepultra
Please share what dreams have taught you about dreams.
Last night I learned about how dreams trick me
When I have long dreams I remember something, then I remember what happened before that, then before that, and so. But sometimes parts of the dream don’t seem to fit in.
Last night I had a long dream, but I could remember when the odd parts happened. It seems like they happen to justify or distract from something in the dream that is getting my attention.
For example, I was having a long dream about walking with my boss. I noticed that he was wearing cut-off jean shorts. (Very unlikely). I start to wonder why is he wearing shorts? Now a DC appears to explain to me about how my boss went running with another person.
Then I notice that there is some dirt on my boss’s face. Then there is a dream segment about a DC who drinks too much and falls down.
Normally I would remember a dream about walking with my boss, and I would remember the episode about drinking and wonder where did it fit in?
In this dream it appears to distract me from the dirt on my boss’s face.
So I now think some dream segments exist to explain or distract from something that happened just before that segment.
Before that dream, I kept remembering dreams that were not very colourful. I still have quite a few dreams that seem faded. But I also now have dreams with vivid colours.
Recently I have been learning about how dreams play with memories.
Some dreams use real memories of people and locations, and then you have new dream experience. (e.g. I dream of a camp and my aunt and uncle being at the camp fishing)
Some dreams have completely made up false memories - although they can seem so real they confuse you . (dreamt that when I was 3 I threw my shoes in the river)
Some dreams take some real memories but combine them together into composite memories. (dream discussion with Allison where she tells stories that happened to Hillary)
Generally it seems like memory in dreams is slightly defective.
Some dreams are grey and fuzzy.
Some dreams look fairly realistic but are slightly blurry.
Some dreams look completely realistic.
Some dreams look more beautiful than reality.
Rewinding or replaying
This phenomenon seems to appear only in dreams with anxiety. Part of the dream gets replayed several times. Its like part of the mind wants to retry the episode to get a better result.
Object transformation
In one dream I am ordering a ceramic figure on a web site. Then a DC gives me a thin handmade ceramic tea kettle. Which becomes a thin plant that I think needs watering
In another dream I am outside a flower store. I go inside and it becomes an arts & crafts store. I go into another room and it becomes a church.
[com]It seems like very short term memory is broken in dreams. I never notice in dreams when things change. But when I am awake it is very obvious. It also seems like the transformation can be very slightly related to previous forms. So one type of ceramics becomes another. A long thin object becomes another…
I think to summon an object it should be possible just to think it will be behind you and then slowly turn around[/com]
Time edits
In one dream I need something from my car which is far away. A moment later car is next to me. In dream above I go to order something from web, next minute it is given to me.
It seems like in ND easy to have an idea and then immediately next scene in dream is based on that idea.
Um… I’m not sure if this is along the same lines, but I had a dream where I was told by my DG that “sometimes it takes a while to wake up”. The next night I had 7 FA’s…