Weeeee How about this - a topic for dreams with themes? We can suggest themes, and people would post dreams according to those.
Since it’s Friday the 13th today, let’s see if anyone will have any dreams (or nightmares ) related, in any way, to it!
October 13, 2006, 1:22pm
I went to hell, does that count or do we need to specifically have a mention to friday the 13th?
My idea is like, if Friday the 13th will bring dreams related to it. After it’s over, we can start posting other kind of themes
October 13, 2006, 1:53pm
So it’s like a group incubation project? Cool! For how long will it be run?
That’s quite obscure… are you sure you don’t want to start with something broader?
I’d be cool, but I’d like to check if Friday the 13th affects our SCs in any way See if your dreams get creepy or something
That’ll be very hard for me, since I’m not superstitious in the slightest and the dreams that creep me out the most are usually the most mundane. I’ll have to wait for the next topic.