Dreams without colors?

Is is true that some people dream in Black and White? In my 34 years of life, I have never had a dream that was devoid of color, and I always thought that when people referred to not having color in dreams it was some sort of literary reference or figure of speech I was not familiar with. Then I noticed in another thread that people were saying that they sometimes have no-color dreams.

Maybe I’m just lucky?


Yes! Silk, almost 80% of my dreams are in black and white and grey lol!
I had a eeg machine for ten years, and i found out that
in non rem sleep you dream in black and white and in rem
sleep you dream in colours.

That simple it is :happy:

Thats very odd then, even back when I was at my peak and recording up to 6 non lucid dreams an evening, I never had a single one that was not in color.

Odd, very odd.

Thanks for your reply,

Its not that odd…
one of the first things i explored was to focus my concentration at waking up from a dream.
I kept it in a dream diary for a year…and in a colour dreams it took me never longer then a second to wake up…so easy to wake up from!
In a black and white dream it took my never shorter then 4 to 5 seconds…was way harder to wake up from…
Non rem sleep is deeper then rem sleep…rem sleep is much like sleep stage 1 of our sleep so u wake up easely…

In deep sleep were i with the aid of hypnosis also can stay lucid all is total black because here the visual cortex is even of line totally!
Why u dream in colour in rem sleep? Well because in rem sleep acetylcholine our memory neurotransmitter is a 100 fold active then when you are awake. So you memories and associations from them are so perfect! Colours come with a perfect memory imprint!

In non rem sleep that aint so…the deeper u sleep the more simplified visuals will be till u enter deep sleep and visuals cant be at all!

Hope this makes things a bit more clear 4 you :smile:


Half-half for me…I’ve written down in my DJ what the dream is, colour, black ad white…a mix? Or sometimes both (but I don’t know how to explain this) I watched a really stupid film once where a guy was in a car with someone he didn’t think was real…and the ‘unreal’ guy said “OK, I’ll prove it to you, how do you dream? You always dream in black and white yes? Well, look at the colour of my eyes…there you go, I MUST be real!” And I was just sat there thinking “what a load of bollocks this film is!” Anyway, yeah, black and white dreams are wierd, cos they still seem as real as colour ones, and you don’t seem to see anything is different, if I think back now to a dream I’ve had that was b+w, it still looks normal to me in my head, even though it’s not…ok, crazy talk now.

I’m pretty sure all mine, lucid and non lucid are in colour just like real life

The closest thing I’ve ever done to dreaming in B&W is when I dream I’m in a place that’s poorly-lit.

My dreams can be in ordinary colors or dull colors. I’m not really sure if I have had any B&W dreams, they are more like very dull/grey colors for me. Usually dreams start out in dull colors and after a while they get more like IRL.

All of my dreams are in color I don’t ever remeber a dream in black and white. I’m actually surprised that most of you have had black and white dreams. Did any of you watch alot of black and white television shows perhaps? I have watched mostly colored T.V…

dont think I’ve ever watched a b+w show/tv before…maybe it’s just my brain being too lazy to colour my dreams in…I don’t blame it the poor thing…actually I CAN…shakes fist at head IT’S NOT LIKE I OVER WORK YOU OR ANYTHING!!! :grrr:

Before when I was younger, I always dream in colors and I RARELY had black & white dreams. Now, I’m starting to notice that I dream in black & white color more frequently.

I also noticed that in black & white color dreams, my feelings are far enhanced even though the shapes are now simplified and in grayscale. For some reasons, when I now attempt to WILD or meditate… I, most of the time, get into that black & white dreams instead of colored dreams.

For last few days, I have been inbetween that… dull colors (some are still colored, but most were gray-like or blue-ish hue). Not to mention that I also experienced powerful emotions and tactile sensations. I thought it’s interesting. :smile:

I think it really depends on individuals. Also the older you get, less time you spend your time in REM cycle so that might explain why. I think if you meditate frequently, it affects the cycle a bit. Just a theory though.

This is strange… almost all the dreams I remember from my childhood are in black&white. Now, only the tiny dreams just when I fall asleep is in B&W