I have just begun to start recording my dreamsigns in a different fashion than I used to, and I believe it will result in a better grasp of what my dreams are like, and therefore, improve my ability to become lucid. I’ll share it, just in case some people out there aren’t already doing it
What I used to do was go over my dream journal once every 10 or 20 entries, and pick out the common and strange events. Then, I’d use those to pick when to perform RCs in real life. Now, however, I use footnotes in my dream journal, and elaborat on the dreamsigns at the end of each entry. The result is a daily update of dreamsigns
For example;
I was walking through a strange public washroom (1) when all of a sudden J (2) pops out in front of me.
“What are you doing here?” I ask him.
“I’m here to watch TV,” he replies (3)
1- I dream of washrooms frequently, so whenever I’m in one I RC.
2- I see my freind J a lot in real life, and in dreams, so again, whenever I see him I try to remember to perform a reality check.
3- There was no TV in this washroom.
I doubt this is an original idea but I just thought I’d mention it.
I’ll post any lucid dreams in my dream journal here on this forum and let you know if I think it was because of this new method.
Well they are usually kind of messy, and they always have lots of people in them. Sometimes it’ll be a washroom in a shopping mall, sometimes a locker room, stuff like that.
What about yours?
I think washrooms and toilets and stuff are often associated with events, places or things you’re not particularily fond of, or that are dark and ‘not public’, but that’s a general definition. I think it probably means something different for each person. Why, a plumber might dream about washrooms all the time, and it would be perfectly normal
Recognising dreamsigns is a method which has never worked for me (although it seems to work amazingly well for some people).
It’s frustrating!
In dreams I often think something like (for example) “why is there an ostrich sitting on that persons head?”. I try to work out why this should be yet never come to the conclusion that it must be a dream, so the non-lucid dream continues.
It doesn’t worry me too much as I am able to induce lucidity by other methods, but I would realy love to be able to recognise dreamsigns. Any ideas?
Well, the biggest boost to my recognizing more dreamsigns is the method I wrote about above. Instead of finding a new list of dreamsigns every week or month, I get a refreshing look at them every day when I write in my dream journal. It also helps me look at things differently, and recognize more dreamsigns that I would have otherwise. I’ve had more close calls to lucidity with my new method than in the first two monthes prior when I started practicing lucid dreaming again.