Dreamsigns fail me completely.

I’d like to start with the fact that I started collecting dreams in June and by now i achieved quite a bunch of LD’s; i have a positive attitude torwards them, and i feel great and grateful everytime i have one; i’m actively practicing Lucid Living and i feel really happy about it, gaining more understanding by the day i practice it (or so i figure), but that’s not what i want to talk about.

The real problem is that, despite all my efforts, i never, EVER, and i mean ever, got lucid from a dreamsign i made up by observing patterns in my dreams, and that for a simple reason: if i were to remember RC’ing the dreamsign, it would never, ever spawn again in my dreams.

The very first times i got lucid, either it was by overload (thinking so much about LD’s during the day the realization i was dreaming just dawned onto me), or by common dreamsigns (flying, being unable to run fast), that is, some that i didn’t think up the previous days. The next times, it was either WILD’s (unintentional ones, at that) or the habit to recognize generic oddities, like ridiculous events/strange dialogues etc. (again, those i didn’t think about before dreaming them) i got into.

As the manual instructed, I started classifying more and more dreamsigns, adding them to the stack: running and not moving, driving, technological malfunctions, increased abilities of any kind, the cats i have back in my parents’ home, Capitain Falcon, and a whole bunch of others. To this day I RC to most of them (by increasing my awareness, mostly), but since the day i classified any one of them, that one has never returned.

Here’s the most striking example: once i had a week or so of dreams in which an old friend of mine, which i didn’t see anymore, was involved, and i thought of a surefire process to trigger my lucidity: i would pretend they owed me money, a different sum for each one of them (and i’m pretty good at remembering this kind of stuff), and in addiction i would RC when asking them about it. The very day i built this tech up, in the first dream of the night, my own SC appeared to me (for the first time!), in blank space, telling me these words: “It doesn’t work that way.”, to which i replied a stunned “Huh.”, and that was the end of it. I figured he was talking about the money thing (and during that dream i knew for sure he was), but only recently i realized the subject was quite a bigger thing.

Dreamsigns i collected occasionally showed up later, but at a much sparser rate, and only when i didn’t remember them as dreamsigns and thus totally forgot to RC.
Even the events i did occasionally become lucid to, such as talking about school or my favourite videogame (SSBM), disappeared by the time i got lucid to them once, occasionally twice.

I really don’t know what to say; perhaps someone has had the same problem among this community? Some can explain (at least partially) this behavior of my dreams? I’m, for once, totally clueless about how to interpret this. Since i can achieve lucidity without them, i guess it’s not my conscious mind blocking them or anything, bacause it’s not a problem that vital to my success.

On a side note: i also never (ever, really) dream something related to the day that just passed; had i done something exiting during the day, there would be no trace of it in dreams of that night; I can say for sure i never dreamt of SSBM during the periods i was practicing it; it is a fighting game, i even went to various tournaments, and that game would be the only thing you would think about during the whole day, and still, no dice. During vacations i dreamt of university, during university i’m dreaming of secondary/primary school. At my parent’s home i would dream of the friends i have here at Padova (where i attend math university); in Padova i dream of my old friends and my family. There are exceptions, but it’s just what they are: rare exceptions.
This applies to what i want to do in my lucids, too: every time i concentrated during the day or else on what i wanted to do in a lucid, it never worked, in the sense i did not contemplate even in the slightest the idea that i could be dreaming and/or i slept worse than other days (but this, at least, can be blamed on too much exitement).

So, any explanations? Suggestions? Similar stories? I’m really eager to find out what this means.

Hmm. I’ve never really heard of this sort of thing before, but it sounds very interesting. You said you don’t often dream about things that are on your mind during the day, etc. Perhaps it works the same for intended reality checks.

Your subconscious probably digs up information that’s important to you, but you’re not aware of it. I don’t often dream about recent events until at least one or two days later. My dreams usually work in themes, and they’re often passing and changing every few days or so.

There is only one thing I can suggest to you, seeing as you’ve already had lucid dreams, and will certainly have them in the future:

Try asking your subconscious why your dream themes are never what you expect them to be. Try asking what the meaning of your dreams is, or why dream signs disappear after you’ve identified them. Or, if you want to take another approach: try to convince it to not “block out” dreams if you’ve identified dream signs.

As for HOW to talk to your subconscious, I’ll leave that up to you. It may take some time or skill to stay lucid long enough. I’ve read about experienced LD’ers who sometimes go to a large room with dozens of doors, each one leading to a different aspect of their personality. Then they go inside and just talk to whomever (or whatever) they find in there.

At least you know you can have lucid dreams without reality checks. I’m in the same boat in that regard. I only ever use reality checks when waking up (to scout out False Awakenings). Most of my lucid dreams are either spontaneous, or resulted from practicing WILD, which I’m finally beginning to master.

Still, it’s an interesting thing to try and find out more about.

Dream signs and RC’s never caught on for me, either… and, actually, when I think I’ve found “my” technique for lucid dreaming, it seems to stop working. A couple of times it was WILD, for about a month almost every week it was WBTB, and lots of spontaneous DILD’s.

With dream signs, my best guess is that the recur because they’re important to be considered. When we take notice and care enough to do RC’s when we see that dream sign, maybe the SC considers the mission of that dream symbol ‘accomplished’ at some level. :tongue:

This has been the most reliable for me, too! (That is, got me the most LD’s, just not very regularly.)

I already talked to my SC once intentionally, and perhaps i should be able to repeat the experience with some effort; i guess asking him is the only true way i have to find out. Still, I’m quite amazed by this feat not for the fact itself, but for its rarity (as i seem to be the only one, i hope not).
Guess i’ll find out in a LD, so better be prepared for the time i get lucid (but not too much, you see, i wouldn’t ruin my sleep :tongue:)

This happens to me too :cry:

And I’m 99% sure I only got lucid from a personal dreamsign once! and that was the other night… But that could be because I don’t really give my dreamsigns much attention :shy: not sure why. I guess I’ve just been able to get lucid without them, so… :tongue: most of them happen only in my dreams anyway, so it’s hard to practice RC’s.

A good tip that i’ve read is to always expect it to work, even if you’re 100% sure that you’re awake.

Well my friend, if we could be capable of being confident on command, that would indeed be a good advice :wink:

Anyway, thing are slowly starting to change. Bringing things to the surface often opens them up for evolution; I’m slowly starting to dream about the past day (not that is necessarily a good thing) and i saw some dreamsigns yesterday and the day before that (namely, my family and my cats); so, i guess it’s all about letting things out to let them sort themselves, and not keeping them inside, rotting and letting them become your personal curse :content: ; with a bit of reasoning, everything can be sorted out. ^^

This has happened to me the latest weeks, all DS’s Ive made have been failing and thats the reason why I took a break from LD’s this weeken :tongue:

Im trying to let the RC’s occur by themselves :grin: