Dreamspell & LDing ???

The link in your last post doesn’t show …

really do you mean the image?

it seems to be working for me… is anyone else having that same problem?

I can see the image… it saids that there is 29 days in Feb and only 28 in a leap year??? I always thought it was the other way round?

My signature is a “White Galatic Dog”

… and I see the link/images just fine. :smile:

Haha… So true El Sortilego…

How silly of me :wink:

I was in a bit of a rush when I put the calendar together, so it probably has a few mistakes through it… I appreciate you pointing that out…

Hey DreamAddict. The “White Dog” glyph is all about Love, and Loyalty… How fitting… The Galactic Tone is about holding a model of, and also harmonising oneself with the bigger picture…

Dream Addict
Kin 190: White Galactic Dog

Of course, ultimately each of us contains the qualities of all the different kin, it’s just that this is the one our date of birth shares a natural resonance with…


No worries - I just thought I was either going nuts or more to that calendar than I realised!?

Keep up the good work! :grin:

For people more intrested in a classic star sign reading from their glyph see lucidcrossroads.co.uk/mayan.htm as I’ve put extracts from a book that goes into detail.

:note: the readings are just for the plain glyph RED DRAGON etc rather than with the tone like RED ELECTRIC DRAGON. The tone can slightly or radically alter your glyphs meaning (sometimes even flip it).

I personally find the full moon and days around it effect me and LDing.