dreamtome.com back online

Back, way back, in the summer I posted a bunch of details (thread: Working on Dream Diary software… any input would be great) about a dream-related website I was developing and had set up.

Well, it was up for a few months, there were a few regular visitors, but then I had to take it down for various reasons. Well, I’m proud to announce that my site, dreamtome is back up and running just the way it was before. If you hadn’t already heard about it (and you probably haven’t), dreamtome is a website to keep a journal of your dreams and share them as a community. When I first posted about it, some people liked the idea, some people didn’t care much for it. But that’s okay, because it’s back up for anyone who wants to use it. I’ve also taken down any advertising I had on it (albeit very little) just to show that I’m not in it for the money (albeit even less) and that I want to do it for the community and as a personal project.

I’m always interested in some feedback, preferably positive. So visit the site and let me know what you think!

Optional reading: also, for anyone who is interested, I’ll be posting the source code for the website in the next week or two. So, anyone who does a bit of programming, or is just learning, may find value in it. Additionally, I’m very interested in rewriting the whole thing over the next little while, and I have quite a big list of features I’d like to implement, so if I feel inspired I’ll share them and start the process!



p.s. sorry for the long post, I do have a tendency to blather on and on…

Ah, dream tome. I’m glad to see it’s back. I wasn’t a regular user when it was up, but I really liked the idea and even did a short review about it on my blog.

Glad to hear it’s up again, I really think it’s a neat tool.

Awesome site dude. I might consider registering when I start logging a dream journal of my own, possibly in a couple of days.

Nice layout and set-up you’ve got there on your site :slight_smile: