I decided to start a new thread about this, because this thing has evolved from the DreamBreaker to something bit larger.
Nowadays I have DreamVision. That’s 100 times more l33t than the DreamBreaker. Everyone has played Alien vs. Predator or seen the movie Predator 2? (Basically, a monster from outer space has come to hunt humans. He has a neat mask with different vision modes. Infra-red, electricity etc. He can see stuff in many ways.) It resembles this quite a bit.
I can explain this only with examples:
I walk in my LD and meet, say, Mary. She wears a red dress. I switch on my DreamVision-eye-implant-thingy. All of a sudden, I see everything go blue and strange lines start appearing everywhere. They are Connections.
I still see Mary and her red dress(with a cool blue tint), and these golden shiny lines go into and come out of her. Mary is now called a Node, a thing where lots of lines cross. One golden line comes out of her brains and ends into a ball on the ground next to her. I take my 'breaker and cut the line. I have now cut a memory line between her and the ball. She turns around, sees the ball and says: “Yay, a ball! Is it for me?” She had completely forgot the ball she was playing with, only five minutes ago.
Then some lines are red, these are Main Connections. Connections between nodes. The main lines, the arteries where information flows. You can cut families in half, separate people from other people. These should be cut with extreme care, because they have vast meanings for lots of things.
Some lines are green, Time Connections, some are blue, Existance Connections.
Things go really weird when their time connections are cut and not reconnected to anything. They become transparent like glass, and start to float around. They need to be tied to time, any moment will do. Even memories work for that.
The lines show up only when I want so, so I can walk around with my invisible supersight and not be bothered by lines filling up my whole vision. It’s like this DreamVision could see “behind” the dream, of what it all is made of. A debug program. And the good ol’ 'breaker would be the tool to do stuff in the program. Very, very, very cool.
Sounds too sci-fi to be true? Oh, this is very true.
It’s too late now, I’ll write more tomorrow.
P.S. I’m back again, good to see you people.