I’m going to a party on the 27th, and just wondering what costumes other people are wearing. I’m probably going as a pirate… not sure…
And by the way, is there a kind of average age people stop dressing up for halloween? Just wondering…
I’m going to a party on the 27th, and just wondering what costumes other people are wearing. I’m probably going as a pirate… not sure…
And by the way, is there a kind of average age people stop dressing up for halloween? Just wondering…
Trick-or-treating stops around 16/17 unless you’re with children but disguising never gets old. Last year I was disguised as a redneck farmer (no offense to anyone ). Not too sure what I’ll be dressing up this year though
Well, I bought some black and red ant or spider(look more like ants) earings the other day so i can wear them. I quite like the halloween look. Never really gone to any partys or dressed up for it though.
I’m definitely doing Che Guevara this year. I’ve got the hair for it; I just need to buy the beret. This halloween is going to be a lot of fun.
I love Halloween!
I’m gonna be a crazy person.
Last year I got the award for best costume in my grade. I was a werewolf. A lot of people thought I was chibacha(sp?) though.
I’m gonna try going as Jason Voorhees… All I need is a hockey mask and a boiler suit…
I think I’ll go as…me! That’s scary enough right??? Ok…I’m going to wearing a sparkly costume wich shows like a bikini with pirate boots on and a pirate hat. Not outside at night though, just going to a party
I know it sounds funky, but it looks cute ^^
Average age people stop dressing up? NEVER! It never stops being fun, so don’t stop, hehe. In fact, beyond that, the last time I went trick-or-treating was when I was 17, but that was sort of to be funny… sort of.