Does anyone have trouble driving in dreams? I always have a hard time steering a car when I am dreaming.
I wonder if this could help me with becoming lucid…
Does anyone have trouble driving in dreams? I always have a hard time steering a car when I am dreaming.
I wonder if this could help me with becoming lucid…
Very rarely I have troubles driving in dreams. I think your ability to drive properly depends on your subconscious expectations about it. It could help you to become lucid if you can be absolutely sure that you’ll never be able to steer properly. But I think this “steering RC” is more sensitive to expectations and associations than other, more common RCs, like the nose RC, gravity RC, clock RC or the reading RC. More sensitive, thus imo its outcome can more easily change. But yeah, you can try and see what happens. If it works, it works
And the nose one is fun doing in dreams !
I’ve never had any trouble driving in dreams.
Driving in real life though…
I always have trouble driving in dreams. The car is either way too slow, or the steering is super heavy/vague, or the brakes are absolutely horrible…
i can’t ever remember driving or for that matter being in a car in dreams
i have had no trouble driving in dreams, allthough, the DC’s jumping in front of my car are a different story
Driving a car is one of my dreamsigns. And I have trouble too. I think that troubles in dreams are good dreamsigns and can help with becoming lucid. You can use autosuggestion or MILD to make this dreamsign efficient.
My carbrakes often work pretty bad in dreams too
Thats strange, for me that
s in video games !
I don’t drive in real life. So when I drive in dreams I know I shouldn’t be doing it. So always try to drive very carefully to try and avoid being pulled to the side of the road and being found out
My last (and best) lucid dream came from me driving in a dream. There was a cop following me in the dream (I hadnt done anything wrong but he was suspicious of me because for some reason I was dressed in ripped and dirty clothing), and suddenly I was driving in a car and knew he was behind me and I was worried because I was serving everywhere and wouldnt slow down and I thought “I have to get this under control or he’ll pull me over”, but I couldnt and I looked around and all the buildings seemed so cartoonish and I yelled “THIS IS A DREAM!”.
Then the landscape got even crazier and I was driving like an idiot cause I knew I couldnt crash and just as I was flying veritcally in my car and thinking “what should I do?” my roomate knocked on my door and I woke up.
Still though, it seems that dream driving is a good way to become lucid.
Driving would be awsome, I would allso have to look under the hood. Maybie Ill build me a LD car.
I never drive in dreams, but i know the feeling you are getting. The worst that could happen, happens right as you think of it. Right? You should read my thread about “falling off a ladder” at the top of the “first steps to lucidity” room. Check it out.
driving is fun in LD’s. To me it feels really similar to driving in computer games (I hardly touch the brakes). I don’t usually have too much trouble with it except when I start expecting things to go wrong. In one LD my Dad was with me, probably giving me a driving lesson and as i was about to start the car he started passing me things - a bag, coat, another bag…for me to put in the backseat. I got frustated at how long it was taking and ofcourse woke up before i’d driven anywhere
Driving in dreams for me is very different than real life driving.
In the last dream I had about driving the car was controled by a joystick, lol. Should’ve become lucid then.
I drive quite a lot in dreams, and I drive in real life. There is nothing with the car in the dream, but I often hit other dream cars in dream parking lots. The cool thing is that I don’t care about it even though I don’t know that I am dreaming.
Another thing is that the dream cars dissolve when I try to get out. So, instead of opening the door and get out, the car just disappears.
Dream driving would serve as a great dreamsign for me since I don’t even have a license in real life and I have never been joy riding. Shame though because I haven’t had a driving dream in some time and in the ones that I do things are already pretty freaky so I tend not to notice.
Driving would be a great DS for me too !
But I NEVER drive in dreams
As a child i had nightmares of being alone in the backseat of my Dad’s car and it would start rolling forward. I’d start climbing to the front which seemed to take ages, the car getting faster all the time and then I’d wake up just as it was about to crash.
I’m glad i don’t have them anymore