
i sometimes get this feeling when im lost in my thoughte either attempting an LD or an OBE i ‘‘come back’’ to the blank void beneath my eyelids, and suddenly get this backflip kind of sensation where i feel im dropping down into my bed? :eh: it usually freaks my out a bit, :tongue: i guess u guys know where im coming from but i heard your supposed to let this happen because its an ‘‘gate way to obe’s?’’ should i imagine myself rising out of my body at this moment or? :smile:

I know this feeling. It always scares me :smile: I think it could work to get into sleep paralysis while this happens.

I feel bad for not answering this one.

So here’s the reply in a Q&A form.

What’s it called?
It’s called kinesthetic illusion.
In this case, I am considering that obe and dreams are the same thing. I’m not here to discuss about differences.

Should I be afraid?
Simply put, you don’t need to be afraid of that state, they are just delusions/illusions, if you were really falling I really believe that it would wake you up for real.

Is this a gateway to obe’s?
It could be some kind of doorstep, but not a gateway or portal, I mean, it’s not guaranteed at all, you are just really close to OBE/WILD dream in that state.

Should i imagine myself rising out of my body at this moment or?
Honestly, I recommend going into the flow, that is, the passive strategy. It’s far much easier for beginners to stay there that way and usually yields good results.
You can also actively try getting up as that imaginary body… but that requires much more experience and it is a bit risky of messing it up and not getting into the dream/obe.
The only advantage of using a more active strategy is that it can take less time for the dream to stabilize/form, but it’s not guaranteed and it is risky.
Bottom line:
I really recommend you do try the passive strategy first.

Hope it helps.

Even if this common hallucination is a sure sign that the body is actually falling asleep, it always pulls me out of the WILD attempt. The sensation triggers some kind of instinct, because my body reacts as if I have been scared.

The good news is that it means that the body was falling asleep, so it will probably be easy to drift off again!