Drugs in an LD

That sounds like the effects of various psychedelics,LSD mainly

I believe we are all one conciousness,and we are viewing ourself subjectively,YOU are the one and only,and I am the one and only(quantum physics has kind of proved this),although at times I see this fact as a depressing one,Most of the time I see it as a beautiful one,We are not alone,we are just connected,all the same,If more people could
realise this then I think the world would include much less war and discrimination,and we would all work together a whole lot more,ya know,seeing as we are all the same person,It seems rather silly to argue with yourself now doesnt it?

Here’s the thing. Tonight I Got the chance to eat some dream mushrooms. It’s actually a little complicated storywise, nevertheless, I can say that, at the time I was in a state of dropping in and out of lucidity. So at some times I knew I was dreaming and others I didn’t. It went thusly.

My firends and I were walking around and I notived some libertybells, the mushrooms, In case you don’t know they contain psilocybin. These looked sort of big to be of that specie. But without hesitation I took bunch and put them in my mouth. As did my friends. And we noticed more mushrooms, like a patch full of them. and we walked along and noticed even more mushrooms of other kinds, they were bigger and looked more like some of the more potent species. And we kept eating them.

We kept walking and walked right into a fantastic field och mushrooms, Some were very big, I would assess the caps to be upwards of a foot and a half in diameter on some of them. By now we didn’t pick them we just sort of ate our way through them. It was a very enjoyable time. Pure joy really.

My friends seemed surpirsed that I was partaking in this, since I would normally be quite apprehensive towards drugs, since I get nervous. But I at least at that time, as I reflected upon it, aware that I was dreaming and so I was at ease. So far the effect of the mushrooms hadn’t begun. Sadly I waited too long to write it down in detail, so I only have the strongset impressions left.

We got to a parking lot, and were eagerly awaiting the effects. We got a little quiet because we were trying to feel it but there was nothing yet. Much like how a rookie potsmoker might be on that first attempt to get high.
Soon enough, things started to get a little weird. My mood and that of the group was elevated. Starting to feel funny. And also I started seeing little things.

It was mostly colours. Especially around a light from a spotlight shining right at us from beyond the supermarket. It had a number of rings around it in some nice colours. They looked sort of digital. That is the hallucination I can actually remember. I know there were other things but those rings were really cool, even if it sounds lame.

My mind was also affected. I don’t remember specifically any of the strange things I thought. But it was like thinking in a completely different manner. After crossing a road and starting to walk towards a soccer field, although it had become winter, I remember noticing how discretion about being on drugs didn’t seem as important and I might have said something incriminating while some middle aged lady walked by. I had sometime during this thoguht about how these hallucinogens are not supposed to affect behaviour but still may make you do strange things.

The last thing I remmeber is walking into that soccerfield and answering “cleverly” to something someone said.

It had seemed quite trippy at the time, I think mostly because of the mood i was in. Because i was just saying things in a train of thought kind of way and telling my friends about some of the things I was seeing. I forgot that they couldn’t see it and tried to point it out.

All in all it was a very fun and interesting dream. However it did not get as weird as I would have liked it to get and lived up only to a few of my conceptions of what I expect a real mushroomtrip would be.

Also, I don’t remember the shrooms having any taste.

i remember trying lsd in a ND

It didn’t really have any side effects… I still felt normal… :eh:
By the way, I 've never taken drugs before, maybe that had something to do with it?

I remember thinking i’m not addicted to it, but I was secretly trying to get more

I have managed to see a nice pile of ketamine in recent dreams but have not gotten round to snorting it - possibly due to missing snorting kit (nose pipe and trusty plastic card, glass surface). Doubt it would have k effects even if did it. removed…this isn’t a drugs forum

I Have Tryed Once And I Was High For a Short While

Once in a ND, I hotboxed a car, and that felt pretty realistic. Not quite enough of the heavy dullness/tiredness, but it still felt very real.

Once again in a ND, I saw someone trying to smoke pills in a bong or something and said “What a bunch of idiots” and walked away. Then I was suddenly swept into this visualization. There were two parallel planes moving towards each other at an angle. They looked like the ground, except there were two of them, one right above the other. They approached each other like a closing eyelid, and there were purple strings growing out of them and entangling, like eyelashes. Weirdness.

Better in a dream then in real life!


Do they exist? Has anyone taken drugs in their dream? I was thinking about how intense visualizations accompany some drugs, and i LD was on my mind and i thought, hey! Maybe. Anyone tried it? anyonewanna try it and tell me? ( i would but im not lucid yet :sad:

sounds like what i realized on shrooms and acid… this is kinda ackward writing to myself then lol but who cares if you are me then i am you were are all part of the supreme consciousness… it is our egos that separate us…
i 've done many a drug in a dream: coke, xtc, acid, dmt, weed, dmt intramuscular(which was odd since i just woke up into this reality not sure which one was true.), mushrooms… and research drugs that were unknown and look like a paper of lsd but was something that was not like it at all to it…

[mod]Please remember this topic is for experiences with drugs during a dream. :dragon:[/mod]

In a dream not long ago, I took some SSRI thinking that it would have an effect like MDMA, because of the Seretonin. So I expected something weird, and it kind of became equal to MDMA in my mind. Which is funny because it should be at all.

So I was walking home and started feeling good. Very relaxed and at ease. Also I felt happy, I was in a smiling mood and sort of playful. After a while I noticed that I was moving in slowmotion and I found that very amusing. I swung my arms around just to feel the effect os the slomo. I tried jumping too. I tried to do front flips and landed on my back. I thought that the neighbours might find that odd but I didnt care.

My thoughts came around to dreaming and I thought that in dreams I sometimes jump and then don’t land and sort of glide along the road, hovering a few inches off the ground. I thought I’d try that. I didn’t expect it to work! I call it prolonging jumps, or delaying the landing. That is ofcourse what happened. I thought, “this is too much, this can’t be real can it? I must be dreaming. I’d better check my hands.”

I move my hands in front of my face and now I have visual effects going on. There are tracers after my hands and I believe there were strange colours around in the vague background. I looked for extra fingers and I did see them. This would normally have convinced me that I was dreaming, but this time I thought, “I’ve taken a drug, ofcourse I’m going to see extra fingers. It’s an hallucination!” And I didn’t give it any more thought.

I proceeded homeward and outside my house I found a desk upon which I found box of more SSRI meds. I was excited to have more so that I could experience this again. I also found a baggy of other pills that I thought were MDMA. They were colourful and had funny shapes. I didn’t get around to eating them.

I ate a rock in a ND once and started tripping balls and seizing uncontrollably. It was cool.


Many years ago in my dreams I would take ex or ice, or pot, and my mind would create what i beleived the experience would be close to, alcohol never had the same effects in a dream and always tastes terrible.

The effects of pot through my life have been varried, non of which come close to the level of euphoria inside a lucid dream and none of my lucid dreams have matched the experience of drugs adequatly, before or after taking substances.

It would appear that while under the effects of a substance, my dreams are almost clearer then reality would be under a non altered state, im not sure if this comes from distorted preception in waking causing my dreams to appear cleaer then they are… have to do further testing.

Im buying a EEG machine over the next few months, so i will take a few drugs in the dream and see if there is a difference on the EEG then from normal dreams, Will let you know.

I enjoy altered states of some kind or another, but I find that the effects of lucid dreaming when they are at their peak, far outway any effects that a drug has ever given me… interesting what the mind can create. now that you mention this topic, in my next lucid I might take a few endorphin(sp?) tablets and see what happens.

Happy Dreaming

Taking drugs in a dream is pointless, other then the experience of “what would it be like” other than that, there’s no real value in doing so.
Some people could use “a drug” as a type of placebo to make dreams more interesting though.

working class hero,

I disagree, remember your mind is a powerful tool and just thoughts alone can release a stream of different chemicals into the mind and body, if this is possible while awake, the drugs you take inside a lucid dream may have a large effect on your neurological chemical structure more profound then while awake and just thinking about it, it is possible that they may mimic the chemical structure in some way or another, of drug taking while awake.

I wouldn’t rule it out, thoughts are the most powerful thing that you have, with them you can have anything, without them, you are nothing.


I smoked a joint in a couple of my dreams.
Once in a ND in which I felt high.
And the other time at a LD to test my feelings, I have then come up with the obvious conclusion that taking drugs in dreams is simply a trick to fool your SC.
The pill you take on the dream, the joint you smoke, the whiskey you drink, whatever… theyre not really drugs, and even if they were, you arent in your physical body —> you dont have a physical brain to be altered by the drugs. Taking drugs in the dream is just a method to let your SC know you wanna feel this or that way.
In my LD, at first I spawned a joint and after I smoked it, I felt very high, it was very very real, but after a couple of minutes when I started doing different things and I forgot about it, it kinda vanished until I remembered that I smoked a joint and then I felt high again, then I realized that my mind is controlling it and not the joint and then I started shifting between different kinds of moods to see how real it will feel,
the better imagination you have and the more you are familiar with the drug you are trying to “take”, the more real it will be. You can also of course just try to alter you consciousness not into a certain drug pattern but into any mind pattern you can think of.

drugs are scary things to take in dreams, especially if you dont know what it is.

i was on a bus sitting beside some girl who looked familer, she gave me a white pill and told me to take it, i didnt wait, i took it right then and there, the next thing i knew everyone one the bus except the girl i was with, turned all into the same person, and they were all looking at me, i had to get off the bus; to wierd on the bus, i got off the bus with the girl and she vanishes, she ditched me in this tripy state, i dont like her now very much now. im looking around at the houses in the night something catches my attention something leaping from house to house, eeek!!! eek2

drugs are scary things to take in dreams, especially if you don’t know what it is.

i was on a bus sitting beside some girl who looked familiar, she gave me a white pill and told me to take it, i didn’t wait, i took it right then and there, the next thing i knew everyone one the bus except the girl i was with, turned all into the same person, and they were all looking at me, i had to get off the bus; to weird on the bus, i got off the bus with the girl and she vanishes, she ditched me in this trippy state, i don’t like her now, i’m looking around at the houses in the night something catches my attention something leaping from house to house, :eek: !!! :bored: !!! :eek:

i had a dream once that i was tripping on LSD in a wal mart.
a cop came up to me asking me and my friend questions wanting to see our eyes etc.
my friend was so nervous he threw up right in the middle of walmart.

I always end up taking drugs in dreams… i think its cause of the fact that alot of what happens IWL tends to happen while dreaming… It’s weird though, because in the deram, it never effects me the way they do IWL…