So I’ve been practicing LDing for a few months. In mid-june I finally had one, and then another a week later. But since then, I haven’t been able to induce another, until last night (kind of).
I had a short dream 45 minutes after I went to bed (I was surprised, but I checked the clock, it was pretty late when I went to sleep and I was very tired). It was dark and I didn’t have much vision, but I finally thought to do a RC. I became lucid, though I didn’t have much control over the dream environment. Increasing lucidity and clarity yielded only small results. It was short and I woke up.
Even though it wasn’t much, which I attribute mostly to being so early in the night, I’m excited and hoping this will help me have more LDs finally. It happened right after I decided to stop trying to LD for a week or two, and just focus on dream recall and perhaps incubation. SO, my point is, does anyone have any advice on what I should do next? Should I continue with my plan to not try for LDs for a bit, or return to RCs, WBTB, and MILD techs? Is it normal to get a few LDs in the beginning and run into such trouble?
Thanks for the help!
I’ve actually had some LD’s as well when I least expected it, however, I noticed that I have more LD’s when I’m actively trying to get them. I don’t know what to advice to you - it’s different for everyone. However, based on my own experience, I would rather suggest you not to let go of the RC’s and techniques.
That’s great! I am not very experienced, but I also say keep trying your techniques. I wonder if the conditions were right last night, b/c I had two very short lucid dreams after a several month dry spell. I have only had two before this. About two weeks ago, I learned on this forum about the WBTB method and have been doing that about 4 nights/week. I was getting a little discouraged, b/c I’ve been diligent with WBTB and DJ. Finally, this morning, success! I say, keep trying, and come read on this forum any chance you get. I think it will help keep us in the right frame of mind, and we will also pick up new ideas and tips.
I just noticed the similarity of our names, Paulius. Haha, this could get confusing.
I’ll keep up the RCs then. I’m thinking of focusing on recall with my MILD mantras for this week still. But maybe it’s just a matter of getting more sleep each night, since this was this first weekend in a month I got extra sleep.
It’s just frustrating to finally achieve LD after months of practice and then got a wall for a month :[
I finally had another LD! I’m not sure what exactly did it. I made a new mantra that I think worked well (present tense instead of future tense), and I realized I should be visualizing much more during the mantra. Maybe I just got into a better sleep schedule. Not sure, but yay! It was short, not highly lucid, but I’m still excited. I was just in my bedroom, some things were moved around, and my roommate was a girl instead of a big dude I did find a mirror and accomplished one of my dream goals of looking in a mirror. All I saw was myself, looking normal, but the reflection was in the wrong place and looking in another direction.
The oddest thing that happened was that I woke up in the middle of the dream, but barely. I was back in my real bed (I assume), and I saw two white circles under my eyelids. I felt vibration and they shook and turned into one of the logos they show at the movie theater before the film starts. After a few of those I was back in the same dream bedroom. I’m not sure if that makes it a DEILD or an accidental WILD. Can anyone advise me on that?