i’ve been on a dry spell for LDs going on almost 2 weeks now. it was crazy cause before this dry spell i had 4 nights in a row where i had an LD. nothing really has changed that would cause it, i’m not stressed out or anything, i actually have pretty good dream recall, i just can’t seem to realize i’m dreaming when it seems like i’m teetering just on the edge.
which brings up my theory. do you think maybe your subconscious regulates how fast you progress? like it says “ok you’ve had enough stimulation, i’m turning it off now” and hence a dry spell.
I doubt its the “too much stimulation” idea, at the begining I was getting 1 ld/month. And now a dry spell lasting months. Doesn’t seem like it over stimulation to me.
If I ever get stressed or go off a normal sleep scedule I forget all the dreams I have for one to three days.I then devote a little more time to resting and I start remembering dreams again(and sometimes get an LD as a reward )
I do think that if you spend too much time devoted to having dreams or LDs you could get dry spells,but I usually get them for devoting more time to my waking life.
oh it’s too hot and we don’t have air conditioning…
but hey you can never try too hard… why then? any ideas cause im out
are you sure your sleeping schedule hasnt changed? not even an hour? half hour?
oh my sleeping schedule has been pretty irregular (some nights i work graveyard shifts 3 nights a week at a computer lab on campus) but my streak of 4 lucid dreams was on the 4 other days where i didn’t have graveyards but i haven’t seen lucidity since
and i think you can try too hard ie try to force things.
I total agree with this. i am on my holidays and i spent the two week totaly thinking about lucid dreaming wanting it soo much. And what do you think happened. i had 4 ld this moth. 4. i dont normally have this few but i tryed too hard. so i gave up for 2 days and here i am back and ready. i had two really good dreams last night. nld but i really felt them. this is somthing i havent felt for two weeks and now i know i am ready to come back. i think we can try to hard and like anything it will throw us of track.
hmm… i tried not trying last night. ie i didn’t do WBTB, when i woke up, i wrote down whatever parts of the dream i remembered and went back to sleep immediately. didn’t do any intention, and one of two things happened.
i had a FLD (which i don’t even know what it is, but i’ve heard people mentioning it on here) or
it was just a low-level LD.
in any case i forgot the specifics of the dream when i woke up. all i remember is knowing that i was lucid (i might have been flying, i’m pretty sure i was, wish i rememeberd it, flying is so fun)
so today’s theory… try not trying… ahh gotta love eastern philosophy and it’s paradoxes.
lol yep damn right, but when i tryed to not try i sorta didnt write in my dd for a little while a whole 2 days and i had the best ld last night i have had in a very very long time