When writing down down dreams in my DJ It sometimes seems that two dreamscenes appeared at the same time.
Just like when I have two thoughts the focus is on only one, but the other also continues to exist.
Of course it could be some mind-trick, but I guess it would be theoreticly possible. If I can have multiple thoughts at one time, why not have multiple dreams? Or would they blend into one?
But I have also thought of these possibilities:
Maybe it is just one dream with elements so different, that my consious mind makes two dreams out of it.
Or I had two dreams and my dream recall messes with the chronological order
Maybe the consious cannot perceive everything correctly from the unconsious mind, so the recall is distorted. Differently said: Dream recall is what your consious mind can make out of it. Like the socrates story about the guys who were looking at the shadows thinking it was reality. Not being able to see the real thing that happened behind their backs.
Maybe I was switching between two “dream channels”.
Maybe I am a multi-tasking robot
Maybe I have split personalities
Just some thoughts…
Has anyone experienced this? Any opinions?
Hmm… I haven’t experienced this, is it also like listening to two people speak at the same time?
Imagine if you could control it and have twice as many dreams every night!
Did both dreams make sense to you? Are you sure they were at the same time? Most of the time when i remember more than one dream i’m not sure which one came first (except for working it out by longest last).
Sounds interesting to me. Have you had this before? How similar were the dreams? anything, anything at all the same?
When you LD your left brain is in the driving seat and is where your sense of self forms itself.
Lots of people have Dream characters who you can quiz and some can hold a decent conversation, these characters are being controlled by other parts of your brain so could be seen as independant to your left sided self.
I’ve have LD’s where I watched my LDing body jump up stairs at the same time as seeing through the eyes of my LDing self?! confusing? it was!
Operations on I think parkinsons sufferers cut the part of the brain that connects left hemisphere to right and after the peeps report it beings like two people in one head, 2 but the same! weird shit.
Anyhow what I’m jabbering about is that your double LD could very easily happen ¦¬)
Both dreams were real dreams with a timeline in it, they made as much sense to me as my other dreams
I am not sure it was at the same time, it just felt that way. But it seems different from the times I do not know which dream came first and other chronological issues.
The dreams were very different in setting and characters. I looked again for similarities, but nothing exept that it is a dream and that I was in it…
My dream was not a LD.
But I doubt this. As far as I know consiousness is not seated in the left hemisphere of the brain. It’s basicly in the frontal lobe. I also see personally a big difference between the contraries feeling/ratio (right/left) and consious/unconsious.
This describes my experiences a bit!
Hey - this brings me to the following: I am a drummer and play sometimes complex independece execises to gain more control over my limbs independantly. Neurological research has proven that drummers have a lot more connections between the left and right hemisphere than people who do not play the drums. I think most of these connections are just senso-motoric connections, but maybe it has got something to do with it.
It also read that drummers have sometimes linguistic problems directly after playing complex rhythms. But I am not sure if this is science or gossip. I haven’t found any more info on it yet. Maybe this only suggests that music and language are close to each other in the brain.
Heh,i know what you mean.
And i liked your “maybes” as an answer.Cant really deny one or agree to all…all of it is possibile…damn why dont we know more???
I have dreams sometimes where I see myself… but I also know what I am looking at… it isn’t like a double image, though… I really don’t know. I always remember which dream came first in a night… although it’s rare that I remember more than 1. It does happen occasionally though. Interesting topic…
interesting thing u brought up…
One explanation is your dream was not in rem but in non rem sleep,
if so our consciousness has much more difficult to remember the chronological order of the dream events…the other explanation is from yourself…your drumming exercises, maybe its an specialism (for the brain) where even in dream time you can have split associations…could be so…
I experience something other strange that belongs in the same topic:
While trying to do a WILD, I was in my bed, turned over to the wall in my bedroom. It was all I saw. Then I discovered that when I opened my left eye, I would see my dream bedroom, while if I opened my right eye, I would see the real bedroom! (or wall, if you want ) If I opened both at the same time, I would see both the dream and real world at the same time! I would then get a double vision. At least i thought so. Wouldn’t that be cool, sitting there in the classroom and have a wonderful LD, at the same time as you kept an eye open and acted like you paid attention to the teacher? Well anyway that WILD didn’t last very long
interesting, your left eye is connected to your emotional right hemisphere
and the right eye to your rational left hemisphere…i had the same experience once with a psychedelic drug called Salvia divinorum…so i know it is possible…you see here a strong conection between dreaming and your right hemisphere…nice!
Wow what a lovely theory Jeff! Well really the eyes are “cross-connected” between the brain hemisphere so both hemisphere processes signals from both eyes, in the opposite of the other body parts. But maybe it was it anyway, who knows
Earlier I have experienced that my vision in SPs has been a mixture between what I actually saw of my bedroom, and my dream bedroom, in one moment I would see my actual bedroom and in another I would see my dream bedroom. You get it? Really strange these tings.
And BTW, my sleep paralysis experiences the last months had something “OBE-ish” over them, I could move partially free of my body, but in the next moment I would always be back in my original position again Well I am moving out of topic here, so I will stop writing now
Sounds crazy… but possible. Because sometimes the same happens to me as it does to you, I remember two dreams at the same time that seems a bit layered ontop of each other, which is confusing because you’re in a dilemma on which order to write them in
i know what you mean by two dreams at once, it happens to me ocasionaly. more frequently (now that im constantly trying to WILD) i have dreams that i am counting all the way through. the counting is compleatly seperate from the dream and i have other thoughts at the same time. feels kinda odd…
I’m not sure how Multiple Personality Disorder actually works, but I don’t think it would cause multiple dreams to occur at the same time.
As far as I know, you still only share the one subconscious, which constitutes the entire experience. Your imagination is driving everything that you can see, hear, touch, and so on. If you had multiple personalities, my guess would be that the other one would simply take the form of a dream character, only one which seemd to have the same power over the dream as yourself. Perhaps a powerful rival, which is a concept that was dicussed here not long ago…
The more likly reason would be the one where you are a multi-tasking robot . Admittedly, I’m skeptical about the entire expereince. Dreams sometimes have a way of unstably morphing camera angles and object position, such that it might give you the impression of two seperate trains of thought.
I’m still quite open-minded on the subject however, so if anyone wants to share any information they might have about whethere or not this is possible, go right ahead.
I imagine the dream might incorporate the second (and each subsequent) personality into a seperate dream character. The person dreaming may then find that they simply cannot get away from this character. It keeps following him, even when he changes the dream environment.
Still that person would have less fun as a normal person because u still got so much lucid dream time…and if u got 5 personallities…hmmm your time would be devided by 5…and if u go to a lucid congress and tell about your dreams hehehe would be a funny changing story to listen to…lol!