
Hey, I was just wondering if anyone is psysched about E3 this year. Theres going to be Mario 128, the Ocarina of Time 2, the Nintendo Revolution (Details only, unfortunately). I’m not sure about you Sony fans, but for us Nintendoids, this’ll be the best E3 ever!

mario with the 128 bit processor will be quite impressive

Hopefully there will be a new arcade DDR. Its been a while since there has been one.

I’ve been aching to see E3 for probably five years now. It’s just a shame I live so far away, and it wouldn’t be convenient for me at all to travel to the US at this time of year. But I’m not too depressed about it, because there’s always plenty of media coverage after the event, and all of the most impressive tech demos are made available to view online straight away. Still, I’d like to be there just once to experience the full show. Maybe in a few years I’ll get the chance.

I like the DS. It’s a good idea, and it’s a lot of fun. But i want more games. i only have six. I want more. Jut one RPG is all i ask from Square, but nintendo should already have made a Zelda(four swords). And what the hell is up with Electroplankton not being slated for an american release yet? I like the DS, and i want more touch screen action.

Hmm. Usually I’m not sure on the whole re-releasing “retro” games for the new consoles, but personally, I think it would be good if we had the ocarina of time on the DS. You could use the microphone to blow the air into the ocarina as you play!

Like athiest, I live too far to visit E3. Mabye i’ll go sometime soon, but its doubtful. Anyway, E3 for me is just a trip down tesco’s to pick up the E3 special of Nintendo Official Magazine!


What was previously thought to be a sequel to the Ocarina of Time 2 is actually a sequel to The Wind Waker!!! Very different style of game, and I can’t for the life of me see how they may be connected. 75% of sites say WW II rather than OOT II…

Dang it…I was really hoping for a OOT Sequel. This is truley disapppointing to me.

Ah well. WInd Waker wasn’t that bad.

dude, wasn’t Majora’s Mask a sequel to OOT?

It was…and is wasn’t. It continued the adennture of link in that it was a iltte later and Nvi was gone…but It was really what I’m thinking of in terms of a sequel.

A sequel would be something involving Ganon’s return and it would take place in Hyrule.

Here’s my theory…


first theres the ocarina of time, then majors mask, then it splits. A link to the past is one of the two possible 3rd games. Ifs so, we then get a dead ganon in the dark world. end of story. zap forward to time when the wind waker would have happened… and we have the minish cap. If a link to the past didnt happen, then ganondorf would break free again, and the world would have to be flooded, ect. than we get the wind waker. makes sense if you ask me

yes, but where do those awful Philips CDi games come in? (don’t answer that)

Ha ha ha. sorry, I feel obliged. I remember those games… shudder. They serve no perpouse in the storyline of zelda. They are merely some random code strings put together when a monkey mashed a keyboard with its left hand… or mabye foot, but im not sure.

Hi LDers and here is my first post.

I attended E3 this last Thursday (free day-off work)

This year there seemed to be many, many more DDR-like games, what with the proliferation of the game to the Xbox (Ultramix3) and infection of other games (arrows in Karaoke Revolution, Mario Mix, Eye Toy crossover, etc) as well as “In The Groove” in the arcades. Needless to say, with DDR games and rhythm games being my weak spot, at the end of the day my legs felt like they were having OBEs of their own.

I wasn’t particularly excited about the three ‘next-gen’ systems because the leap in technology from THIS-gen systems isn’t exponential; rather its like the leap from Madden 2004 to Madden 2005: its the same game, only just a little better, and everyone and their brother will be clamoring to get one.

Not me. With a price tag >$300? The new box had better change my oil, pay all my bills and make TOAST!

Mainly, I went to watch a lot of people play games, and play a few games myself. I checked out my ex-company’s game, “Darkwatch” (they were demo-ing one of my levels! Joy!) and to see the public’s reaction to my current company’s game, “Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows”.

I couldn’t point to a single game that I thought was mind-blowingly innovative or unique - Even “We Love Katamari” is the same ball-rolling trippy fun as its predecessor. Hopefully, with enough marketing push behind it, it’ll sell well in America this time around.

I honestly think that the ‘big three’ could have waited 'til next year to hit E3 with more of an impact. They should have taken more time to:

a) build up developer momentum, support and games. (will there be any new IP on the Revolution or just sequels?)

b) solidify a marketing plan (Microsoft seems to be in the lead with this one)

c) to squeeze every last drop of life out of their existing systems. (Sony can coast for at least another year on their PS2, IMO)

I get more information online about E3 than I do on the showroom floor, plus there’s the peacefulness of the computer’s hum instead of the deafening bar-like roar of the floor.

Now to sleep. Perchance to dream (MILD) :wink:

Don’t diss We Love Katamari. More of the same is just what the world needs when it comes to Katamari Damacy.

EDIT: I want to say that the next Zelda is officially titled “Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess”. If you find the title wimpy, do a search for some screenshots. it looks amazing.