Easiest LD goal, or maybe NOT ?!

So I don’t know if it’s just me or if somebody else have this problem which I’m making from now on my own personal goal next to rebuilding dream control.

The goal is pretty simple in WL but for me not that easy in a dream.
My LD goal is to stop in a dream, stop walking, stop doing something just STOP!
STOP and observe, but mainly STOP.

I think I know what is the cause of this problem. Whenever I do RC I’m mostly in movement. I almost never stop when doing one. If we don’t count siting… So from now on I will STOP in my dream…

It’s very hilarious and I just wanted to share this with you! :peek:

That sounds like a very good idea :cool: Stopping in a lucid dream is a nice and easy way to make the lucidity last longer. Have you tried focusing on all your senses? If I can feel my feet on the ground, wind in my hair etc, it makes the lucid experience stronger.

No, not really. I’m still struggling with the senses… Sometimes if I could feel something then it’s a form of pain or to better say whenever I should feel pain I feel something else. For instance, I was in NLD and and I was in an ocean and I was pulled by ferryboats propeller and I didn’t feel pain, I felt some warm sensation on my back, which was very strange experience.

Well, about senses in a LD I only recall of taste and a little bit of a touch, but any other senses not that much. But that is the part of the plan. Stopping and observing things much more intensively…

Also what makes me really sad is that I fly in almost every LD I have, and I don’t actually record of any wind or similar sensations… But the thrill is always there.

Anyway, thanks for the advice. Feel free to try this and post results! :content:

Good goal. It’s a great way to improve lucidity and recognize the dream state in the future. Look around, jump, feel, sense everything and look for differences with WL. For instance, you can learn to recognize the different gravity in dreams, making it a great dream sign.