here lately ive been havin lucid dreams easier than in the past. They all come from either realizing im dreaming while im sleeping or by using the wake back to bed method. This morning i got up at 7:30 to take my mother to work. I usually get up around 10 or 11. When i got back home which was like 10 minutes later, i immediately went back to sleep and boom ld time. So I think that method is very effective!
yea a lot of people really trust that method, that’s what i do. i have only had one LD before, but that’s when i had it. that’s probably the only method i really trust cause it does seem to work the best… well have fun LDing!
I LD a lot and thats when it happens…I wake up early in the morning and then go back to sleep and I immediately go into an LD.
i havent had an LD yet, but im going on a long car trip tonight with my family and i sleep well in cars, but waking up every hour or so. So i think it should be easy to try and LD then…wish me luck!
Willows_Wicca, that seems interesting. When you get back tell us how the car sleeping turned out.
I never ended up going on the car thingy last night, because we are going to a bonfire on Sunday instead…
I am going Next weekend, I’ll let you all know how it turns out because It might be an interesting way to get lucid.
how long do you have to wake up for, does it need to be 10 minutes or can you just go right back to bed the second to wake up?
i often wake up in mornings then just go back to sleep afew times more lol, im normaly still in bed at 2pm