I don’t know if it’s just me, or my imagination.
But, have anyone noticed that your dreams become more intense and more vivid if you have eaten a lot right before going to bed?
I am not sure if it’s the proteins or the carbonhydrates, or any of the two at all.
I dream very intense and I dream all the way through the night, almost. One dream after another. But these are not lucid dreams and some are even scary/nightmares. I am just wondering if anyone has experienced this too, when having a big meal just before bed. Or… try and see .
Maybe it’s just placebo. But placebo works, right?
Could have something to do with that the body is transporting all of the newly ingested nutrition here and there through the body?
I think it’s a combination of the effects of the ingredients on your body/brain, and the fact that the body (your stomach mainly) has to do “alot” of work (so the brain has also more to do -> more and vivid dreams, maybe).
That’s what I think.
But don’t eat TOO much before going to bed, because it could make you stay awake for hours. And, you could become … “unshapely”
I usually eat a lot before i go to sleep.I finish work late at night so i get home and make supper,then i go straight to bed.I like falling asleep full:)Im heavy and tired.
But i never noticed any influence on my dreams.
After eating, your system allocates a lot of resources to digesting the food, and in turn your brain essentially ‘idles’ for a while. It does depend a lot on what you eat, though. Anything difficult to digest (overly sugary or fatty) will drain you more significantly, and you might feel tired or lazy. I’ve heard a lot of advice against going to bed straight after eating, though. Something about the digestion process interfering with necessary psychological functions, resulting in sleeping more lightly, increasing the chance of nightmares and ultimately providing less rest.
im totaly with ya on that one, i work till late, eat, go to sleep. and when i dont work late, i eat alot before going to bed anyways. I sleep better. I also dont see any differeence.
i notice i go to sleep alot better after not eating fatty/suguray foods.