Im not even sure why im even making this post. For one thing i dont think it has any affects on my dreams(well maybe), yet its weird when this happens.
Ok, lately when i been sleeping, i leave food around like in my room, or in my refrigerator(its next to my bed). The point is i have food(obviously) and when i wake up from dreaming i notice the wrapper, but i never remember eating it.
Im not sure if i wake up in the middle of the night and have my self a snack, but i dont recall any of this the next day. Its kinda of frustrating, b/c when i do want to eat this, i already did while i was sleeping.
One time it did influence a dream, b/c i remember one night, i was moving my tongue around in my mouth and i felt chocolate and peanuts in between my teeth, at that point i wasnt sure if i was dreaming, or if i had a candy bar stuck in-between my teeth. It did strike lucidity for a second, but i woke up right after that.
Does anyone else do this? Or am i just the only weirdo that chooses to eat while i’m sleeping?
This is pretty funny to me, so i thought it was worth a discussion
That only happens to me when I get real drunk and black out. Maybe you have a real bad case of sleepwalking. I don’t know, eating something while you’re asleep can’t be good. Maybe you should try moving your refrigerator or something.
If it is not sleepeating then it might be that you wake up with a craving, but because your mind isn’t totally awake it doesn’t register in your memory. Or maybe it is santa feeling peekish before the big trip
I say that you should get a video camera and set it up. Leave some food around and go to sleep. Do this untill the food is gone. When it is check the tape and see whats up. Also you shouldn’t let anyone else know about it just in case someone/thing else is eating the food.
LOL! that is weird… sounds like some special case of sleepwalking
Or maybe as alex said… your memory is not working correctly for a while after you have woken up
never had this happen to me
one time, at a sleepover, we got this guy named tony to eat a whole jar of peanut butter. The last quarter we had to give him some speech about the redwings not giving up (he was into hockey) so he ate eveyr alst bite of the peanut butter. To make it worse, he fell asleep before we did so we got another jar of peanut butter and smeared half of it on his face, and put a paper towel in his hand (though I made sure to stick some in his ear). he licked a lot of it off and even used the paper towel in his sleep. when he woke up, he couldn’t figure out why we were laughing at him until he looked in the mirror.
Happens to me all the time.I dont eat much sweets or fruits during the day but i often wake up during the night and i feel “i gotta eat something sweet” or actually “something”.Sometimes simple cocoa powder do:)I eat what i can find- apples,chocolate bars,even gelly powder:)
On many occasions i dont remember doing that-i just judge my night madness by leftovers next to my bed.Im usually amazed that i could eat that all:)
Hahaha Hubbs you really are Homer Simpson!! Keeping a refrigerator next to your bed!! Aaahahahahha!!! Why not um, post a sticky note that says “Reality Check” on your fridge? Or put sticky tape around the handle so you would realize it when you tried to open it? Maybe then you would realize what you are doing…
Once when I was younger, my dad came in my room to wake me up for school, and I had my blanket in my mouth and I was chewing it in my sleep, when my dad woke me up he asked me what I was dreaming about, and I told him “giant pancakes”
no no, I used to have this problem of switching my alarm off subconsciously, I would never notice it was on, just in the morning I owuld wake up late and wonder what happened. My nightstand was pretty small so I couldn’t move the alarm so I had to get up to press it… so first I tried putting tape (the double sided kind you make) on the button so when I pressed it I would realize that something was amiss. I tried it and sure enough the tape stuck to
me and I woke up. (Sticky tape around the refrigerator handle)
That’s a good idea, but everyone’s is gonna ask of course “Why do you have tape on your handle?” Thats gonna be a fun conversation. Good idea though
Whoa! Now you have me thinking, the world be so much better if you could sleep in your own fridge. Eat at any time, never be hot, always have a back round noise, and the light shuts off when you close the door. Wow Jeff, that idea can make millions