Hi Friends,
First of all let me say abt myself, i am a person who indulge in day dreaming and imagining things a lot. So, a whole day i would be thinking, thinking and thinking. I find it myself difficult to control my flow of thoughts. Sometimes i do get negative and absurd thoughts involuntarily.
OK, now my Queries are:
1.) Since Dream world being unstable, what are the effects of thoughts in the dreamworld? Does dream respond to mere thoughts or emotions?
2.) How can i Protect myself from Negative thoughts in the dreamworld?
3.) What happens if i allow negative thoughts in dream? Does it turn into nightmare?
Same for me, I always daydream.
1.) That really depends on yourself. I think I’ve read somewhere about someone who could think about stuff and it would happen immediately in his dream. Often the dream world is easily affected by thoughts, sometimes not at all.
2.) Don’t think too negative IRL, I would say. Sorry, I can’t really help here…
3.) Of course it could turn into a nightmare, but it also couldn’t (see my response to the first question). Just remember, since you are lucid, there is nothing you have to fear, no matter of negative your thoughts are.
There is a Theory, that tells that Dream World doesn’t exist! It’s just Scenes!
Our Subcounscious creates Scenes so quickly, that for us looks like it is a World! The only thing that makes us see the same scene when we look two times the same place is the “Expectation”!
Well it responds to expectations, not exactly thoughts or emotions. We can feel one thing, but expect another. From my perspective they’re interconnected, but not directly so.
To keep in mind at all times that nothing can harm you, that you can and are always in control of the dream. That nothing around you is real.
If you expect things to go bad for you, they will. Sorry to tell you something that may frighten you, but if you expect nightmarish imagery then you will likely create such imagery. If you believe that you deserve to be punished or something for some act, you will find such punishment presented. You have to accept at the deepest level that there is nothing negative about dreaming and let go of the negative and paranoid thoughts, you have to relax. It may be necessary for you to face these fears and experience it before you realise it’s not so bad. Assuming you don’t suffer with night terrors or some other medical condition, in which case I’d see professional help before trying to LD. (Night terrors are when you have violent episodes of fear during the night, including hallucinations. You’d know if you have them, they are far beyond simple nightmares.)
Dependant on what you believe you could try asking for help from a guide or some such. Whether you believe in such entities or not, the effect of having a character in your dream who will always try to help and comfort you would probably help stabilise you. If you do believe then it also works, either way it sounds to me like something to consider.
i dnt want to scare you off of having a wild because believe me, WILDing is way more vivid and aware then DILD. im just saying the only time when your mind might get the best of you is when your in sleep paralysis because you are unable to move. thts when our fear really come out. like i said, i dnt want to scare you out of trying it
Lilfrank, I think it depends on people what their vividness is. I know people that would swear they are more vivid in DILD than in WILD. Though you are right, there may be more negative thoughts during WILD because of all the HH and SP that can occur.
When you are lucid, you are in control of the dream world. The dream scape will respond to anything you put onto it. Of course, if you learn to control your thoughts (eg: through meditation etc), then you could apply that to when you become lucid.
A lot of people would say that their Nightmares are manifestations of negative thoughts. The way to protect yourself is to realise that this is your dream and you are in control of it. Then it is simply a matter of taking control and discovering why the negative thoughts are manifesting themselves in such ways.
As said above, a lot of people would say it would turn into a nightmare. For me it depends, sometimes the dream can get surreal, or sometimes it can just be a bad dream. Sometimes, my mind will try to combat the negative thoughts and make it like a fighting dream, which then turns out good but feeling like I ran a marathon when I wake. It really depends on the person and whether they think it will or not.
Hopefully this all helps /me gives clear thoughts cookie