I. The Subconscious Language
When communicating with your subconscious, you need to understand that your subconscious does not communicate like you and me; it communicates differently.
When I had my 1st intentional lucid dream since childhood, I wanted to explore it and be alone, but my sister was following me, so I said, “I wish my sister was gone,” nothing happened. I tried again. Still; nothing. Then I started to get irritated and said, “I wish my sister was gone!” and a couple seconds later she was ran over by a car! I went over and fixed her up, feeling really guilty. Anyways, the point is that the subconscious mind reacts to demand and emotion.
For example, if you want it to rain in a lucid dream, saying, “Make it rain!” will most likely be more effective than, “I want it to rain.” The reasoning of this is simple. In fact, it’s so simple, it’s often overlooked.
Let’s take a trip back to kindergarden and evaluate the sentences used above. “Make it rain!” is most likely going to be more successful than “I want it to rain.” because “I want it to rain” is just a statement, whereas “Make it rain” is a demand.