Moved from the Quest forum into the First Steps forum
I have been keeping a dream journal for the past 2 weeks or so, but I havn’t gotten any LD’s, and my dream recall seems to be getting worse. I’m starting to lose motivation to hve lucid dreams. Is a dream journal really the most effective way to LD’s because it seems to be a waste of my time.
A dream journal in itself won’t increase your frequency of lucid dreams - but certainly should help with your dream recall, which is essential so that once you begin to have lucid dreams, you can remember them.
You say that your dream recall has been getting worse? At what point do you write in your dream journal, and how many dreams do you record? Do you only remember fragments? Are you using a dream recall technique (ie as advised in ETWOLD) in addition to your journal?
At this point I wouldn’t advise giving up your dream journal, as it’s one of the most effective techniques for remembering dreams. In addition, a dream journal is a great way to measure your progress with ld’s, where you’ve been and where you are now.
I usually only remember fragments, and try to sketch a few pictures as a visual aid. When i sleep in on weekends on seem to have better dream recall than when i am forced to wake up. I use the MILD technique before i go to bed, but i find it hard to focus on it for very long. Thanks for the the advice.
Definitely don’t stop with the dream journaling. It won’t impede your recall, but other things can. I know I was having terrible recall for a week–then I realized I was just getting too worked up about the whole thing. I decided to go to bed one night without focusing on anything too complex. I said to myself just one time, “I will remember my dreams” and then I allowed myself to comfortably fall asleep. I woke up twice during the night and recalled a dream each time. In one of them, I almost became lucid.
Like Snape said, writing in your dream journal won’t increase your frequency of LDs. It just helps ensure you remember your dreams–which, for me, is a new joy in and of itself. For years, I remembered one dream per month, at best. Now, after just a few weeks of journaling, I’ve got a number of full-fledged dreams, some fragments, and a bunch of music that my brain comes up with for a while before the hypnagogic state.
Good advices above i just add 2 things.
I have an impression that MILD is somehow difficult for you and u mention concentration.MILD isnt really a tech that you need to “do”.It is done by you everytime you think or do anything in connection with dreams.There are some more and less known sides of it but dont struggle- relax about it.Before you go to bed do stuff about dreams- read or think or write.And once in bed just fall asleep with intention of having one.
As to dream journal- its not only for better recall.It is for other part of mild.Once you have 2-3 weeks of dreams written down you can look for Dream Signs- things,acts,feelings,colours that reoccur.And according to what are they you can practice your reality check much more efficiently.For example- you often dream about being on a bus.So you keep special attention to reality checks done while on the bus.
Dream diary is a great help:)
ps.Your post have a feeling of general loss of motivation- maybe this is why recal dropped.You can help your dreams to be remembered but main source for it is your will.If you want it,you will have it.
Allow yourself a break every now and then - I’ve gone through periods where I only write a handful of entries into my dream journal. You need to find new ways to keep it interesting, and yet not be too hung up on doing it every day - especially if it’s beginning to bug you.
Just remember, you have the rest of your life ahead of you to master the art of Lucid Dreaming